Meet the animals we farm for food
‘Food production kills billions of animals each year. That’s more than all other forms of animal use combined. Millions more farmed animals suffer in cruel confinement. Humans consume some amazing animals. Fishes have great memories. Chickens think about their future. Pigs can play video games. And cows love to jump and…
Meet the animals we call our companions
‘By most estimates, we’ve been living in close proximity to companion animals for tens of thousands of years. Cats, dogs, and other companion animals share our homes, and often our broader environments, and exist in a very special category: unlike farmed animals, whom we breed simply to consume, and research animals, whom…
What is habitat destruction?
Tiffi has to take a break to get some tissues. The tears are now running down her face. While she’s up she grabs a few fishies to eat. Now back to the googling. ‘Habitat loss poses the greatest threat to species. The world's forests, swamps, plains, lakes, and other habitats continue to disappear as they are harvested for…
9 species facing extinction due to habitat loss
‘Now more than ever, we need to implement conscious choices in our everyday lives that protect our wildlife, especially the animals in extreme danger and in need of the most assistance. Indian Elephant - Indian elephants are the first species on our endangered list due to habitat loss. Elephants are not only seen as a…
More wildlife species facing extinction!
‘Black Rhinoceros - The black rhinoceros is a rare species located in Africa and is also another animal facing extinction and listed as critically endangered. With around 5,600 black rhinoceros left on earth, poaching remains their biggest threat. The horns of one of the oldest groups of mammals on earth are a top demand…
And there is more facing extinction!
‘Red Panda - Almost 50% of the population of red pandas can be found in the Eastern Himalayas. However, these incredible species are seeing a decline due to the loss of nesting trees and bamboo. Their homes in the forest are being cleared by human activities and with less than 10,000 of these creatures left in the…
What is Earth Day?
‘Earth Day around the world in 2021 - Whilst not a national holiday, Earth Day on April 22nd each year marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. It has been estimated that Earth Day is celebrated by over a billion people worldwide, making it the most widely celebrated secular holiday…
Tiffi wants to volunteer
Some information about National Earth Day! ‘As citizens of the world, we can take actions protecting the Earth, its creatures and their habitats. Greener living can include more fuel-efficient vehicles or windows. It can also include landscaping for your climate reducing the amount of water required. HOW TO OBSERVE…
Tiffi and Elsa take a trip to Dairy District
Spring is in the air! Tiffi is getting restless because she hasn’t received any text messages from the game players. Actually, the King community has also been incredibly quiet lately. She decides to do some goggling to see what she can find. Maybe she can help Elsa get some ideas for new stories. She really has no idea…
What is humane farming?
Bright and early Friday morning, Elsa and Tiffi meet at the bus station. The girls are excited to be going on a trip, especially to visit Amelia. The ride takes a couple of hours and just before they arrive in Dairy District Elsa calls Amelia to find out where they should meet her. When they meet up with Amelia she is just…