Hello again @MiaChristine! Sorry to hear that you are home sick Take rest & lot of clear liquids to keep you hydrated
OK, with regards to check if both your FB account and Kingdom account are synced on your Mobile device, I have a simple trick (I am not sure about the official way though)!! I am attaching 2 screen shots below and will write description...
** In the first pic, the "Profile" -- that is the pic I use in my Facebook and you can see the FB logo to that picture; ** Then, I clicked on that "Profile" and I got the second screenshot with the King logo. We can see the message of "your game is being synced". If we did not add both accounts to the game, this message will not appear.
** I gave you simple way which I use to check my account(s). I am not sure how others will do it, but this makes it clear for us and that's all that matters, right
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance 🤗
If I’m understanding correctly I do have my Facebook & King 👑 accounts synced see below 👇 they appear to be the same as yours or maybe not .... thanks very much @Pummy_Raj your visual help is amazing 👍🏼
Well @Pummy_Raj and @QueenMia it's almost March 16th where I'm at and still no sign of this event. I really don't want to have to uninstall my game or something like that as I would end up losing all my boosters over it...
P.S. I checked Google Play and there wasn't any update available for CCFS, but one thing I haven't tried yet is clearing the cache. This is because I'm not sure how exactly it would affect my boosters/progress.
Edit: For some reason it just popped up here! I'll inform you guys if I encounter any issues with this, but it looks like I only have 8 days to complete even though I only just now got access to it.
I am glad that the Special event finally showed up 🤗 I do not have it yet on my Android phone.... I am very happy that I also play the game on iPad (the event showed up on time on it)
Just a heads-up....keep taking screenshots as soon as you win a level and Stars. For some people, the Stars are disappearing for some reason. It is always better to be safer than sorry!
And with regards to the "Remaining days", we will inquire with @QueenMia about it
Have fun in your games & try to beat the special event levels as soon as possible
@SeraphicStar and @Pummy_Raj - just for reference when I got the event on my IPhone we only had 9 days to complete it so 8 for Android is pretty close. Maybe it had the full 9 but just didn’t show up right away 🤷🏼♂️
The given end dates were 12th to 22nd for iOS and 15th to 24th for Android, Amazon and Windows. And, yes! The Android players are getting one day less.... not sure why!!
Also @Foley1362 and @Pummy_Raj I wouldn't care so much except in 24 hours that's quite a few extra attempts to make on levels. This is of course outside of friend lives if those work for you. Plus it's also an extra day of daily quests and possible booster gains to boot. 🤔