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(FINISHED) Share your favorite chocolate recipes!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
edited October 2019 in Contests

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Meet Yeti!  He’s definitely the coolest guy in Candy Town but a little slow to respond sometimes.  Legend has it, it’s because he’s busy eating delicious chocolate in his home in the Chocolate Mountains. He can’t stop eating it because they are just so yummy!   Ever since Tiffi found him in the Chocolate Mountains, it’s been really hard trying to get him to stop eating chocolate.  Perhaps you can help him since it doesn’t look like he’s going to stop eating it.  

Do you have any favorite chocolate recipes?  If so, please feel free to post them here along with a picture.  It can be anything from chocolate candy to a chocolate layer cake.  Let your imagination run wild!  Three players will be randomly chosen to win gold bars.

What you guys didn't know is that I had a surprise for you all along.  Now that the contest is a few days old I will announce it here.   Here is a video to show you that as an added surprise, I am creating a Yeti Recipe Book for all participants who post a chocolate recipe here.  You can see the beginning of it in this video.
So, if you haven't added your recipe yet, what are you waiting for?  Please tell your friends, family, game players and whoever you can, to please add a chocolate recipe here.

What are the prizes?

Well, the prize will depend on how well our contest ranks - There will be a weekly leader board to see which contest is ahead and keep track on the progression! The Superstars contest with the more participants will award 100 Gold bars! But whatever happens, we are assured that 3 lucky winners from this contest will receive at least 10 Gold Bars. 

In short, the more participants we have in this contest, the more chances we have to win big! So go call your friends to join in! We have until the 31st of August to be the biggest Superstar contest and win 100 Gold bars! More info here.

1st place: The superstar + 3 randomly picked players form the contest will get 100 Gold Bars each + a wonderful Superstars Summer Contests Badge!!
2nd place: The superstar + 3 randomly picked players form the contest will get 50 Gold Bars each.
3rd place: The superstar + 3 randomly picked players form the contest will get 25 Gold Bars each.
All others: The superstar + 3 randomly picked players form the contest will get 10 Gold Bars each.

You have until Saturday 31st of August 13pm CET to participate! You can read the Terms and Conditions here.



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