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Odus shares some fun facts

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
edited November 2019 in Candy Friends Stories

Now that Odus shared some history with his friends, he also wants to share some of the fun facts that he also found online.

The first Thanksgiving was held in the autumn of 1621 and included 50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoag Indians and lasted three days. Many historians believe that only five women were present at that first Thanksgiving, as many women settlers didn't survive that difficult first year in the U.S.

Thanksgiving didn't become a national holiday until over 200 years later! Sarah Josepha Hale, the woman who actually wrote the classic song “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” convinced President Lincoln in 1863 to make Thanksgiving a national holiday, after writing letters for 17 years campaigning for this to happen.

No turkey on the menu at the first Thanksgiving: Historians say that no turkey was served at the first Thanksgiving! What was on the menu? Deer or venison, ducks, geese, oysters, lobster, eel and fish. They probably ate pumpkins, but no pumpkin pies. They also didn't eat mashed potatoes or cranberry relish, but they probably ate cranberries. And no, Turduckens (a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken) were nowhere to be found during that first Thanksgiving.

No forks at the first Thanksgiving! The first Thanksgiving was eaten with spoons and knives — but no forks! That's right, forks weren't even introduced to the Pilgrims until 10 years later and weren't a popular utensil until the 18th century.

Thanksgiving is the reason for TV dinners! In 1953, Swanson had so much extra turkey (260 tons) that a salesman told them they should package it onto aluminum trays with other sides like sweet potatoes — and the first TV dinner was born!

Thanksgiving is the reason for TV dinners! In 1953, Swanson had so much extra turkey (260 tons) that a salesman told them they should package it onto aluminum trays with other sides like sweet potatoes — and the first TV dinner was born!

Turkey isn't responsible for drowsiness or the dreaded "food coma." So what is? Scientists say that extra glass of wine, the high-calorie meal or relaxing after a busy work schedule is what makes you drowsy!  You can read more here

It’s now time to take a break and have some of the delicious dessert that Jenny made.

Wow look at all the dessert! 

“Jenny, you made too much dessert,” Tiffi says.  “I hope some of you expect goodie bags when you leave today.”

“I didn’t bring all of that,” Jenny says.  “Bubblegum Troll and Red Rabbit brought those lollipops and the crushing candy.  Oh no, I don’t need to take any of this home Tiffi.  If I do, then my uncle will eat them and sleep more.  Did you forget how much he loves his chocolate and how sleepy he gets after eating some?”

Kimmy asks Tiffi if she wants to join her tomorrow for the Black Friday sales.  Red Rabbit never heard of that.  What could it be? 

Let’s find out here.

If you arrived here, then you might want to start at the beginning of the story  


  • I love facts
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    Me too!  Maybe I should do another story for Christmas and get facts for that.
  • Mattia_
    Mattia_ Posts: 323
    Yes, do it, @Elsa! I ADORE Christmas, it's my favourite holiday! 🤞🏻 🎄🎁
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    Ok I will start to think about a Christmas story.
  • Mattia_
    Mattia_ Posts: 323
    Elsa said:
    Ok I will start to think about a Christmas story.
    @Elsa 😍
  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,887
    Hi @Elsa the stories are great keep the good work one question do you ever have time to sleep 😴 look forward to the Christmas story 🎉🤓🐊
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
    Yes but not as many hours that I should get.  I do get about 6-7 hours but I fall asleep by 9:00 ish so I'm up around 3:00ish.  I am throwing ideas in my mind about the Xmas story but nothing firm yet.  I do want to have an animation with snow falling on the characters. 
  • Great !

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