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T’was the night before Christmas

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,506
edited December 2019 in Candy Friends Stories

T’was the night before Christmas and the community was busy

Answering those issues sure made CMs dizzy.

Why now, why now with the holiday so near,

Couldn’t they wait until the first of the year?


Tiffi was finishing the Christmas decorating,

Her telephone rang and she was glad for call waiting.

The presents were wrapped and under the tree,

She started to count – one, two and three.


She knew she bought more but where could they be?

Dad, Kimmy and Yeti so that made three.

She wrapped up the chocolate for her very best friend,

Having him around was really a godsend. 


With everything done and under the tree,

Tiffi asked Kimmy if she would like to go caroling.

They made it!  It’s finally Christmas day here.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?