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Rancid asks Rachel out to dinner

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
edited February 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Rancid is so excited that Tiffi was able to help him pick out the perfect Valentine’s Day  gift for Rachel. He didn’t think that he would be able to get something as quickly as he did. 

 “I hope that Rachel likes the ring,” Rancid thinks to himself. “Maybe I better call her to make sure that she wants to get together with me for Valentine’s Day. I am assuming that she will because I want her to be mon amour.”

He calls Rachel but gets her voice mail instead. He decides to leave her a message hoping that she gets home soon and calls him. While he is waiting for her to call back, he gathers all her gifts together. He is happy with the ring and hopes that she will like it. Nothing but the best for the love of his life!

 Just as he finishes putting all the gifts in the bag for her, his phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and it’s Rachel calling him back.

 “Bonjour mon amour,” he says. “How are you doing today? I didn’t realize that Valentine’s Day is next month, and I want to take you out to dinner, if you are free. Would you like to join me for a sweet romantic dinner?”

Rachel is trying so hard to get used to the enormous amount of love that he has for her. She rolls her eyes upwards but then a smile comes to her face. He really is being sincere, and she can see that his behavior is pretty good. He is not showing any signs of going back to the old behavior habits, so maybe she really needs to give him a chance. With that she tells him that she would enjoy spending the evening with him.

 He is so excited just hearing her voice again. She said yes! She really said yes! He drops the phone on the floor because he is so excited. He tells her that he is going to make a reservation for the two of them to go out to eat and asks her if she has a preference as to what type of food she would like to eat. He will do anything to make her happy.

 She tells him that she is not a picky eater and whatever he decides she will be happy with it. They say their goodbyes and then he runs in circles around the room with excitement.

Let's continue with the next part of our story – Tiffi works on her Valentine’s Day cards and decorations

Start at the beginning – Love is in the air!


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