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Chatting, Flirting, and... Pg. 9 πŸ’“ 😰

candycrushinit Posts: 12,603
edited February 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

The waiter leads Tiffi and Nutcracker to their table. He hands out the menus and asked them what they want to drink. Tiffi asked for grape soda, and Nutcracker had asked for orange soda. Then the waiter left to retrieve them. They were looking at the menu, thinking of what they will eat.

"Hmm, trying to look for fish. Should be under the seafood category. Oh there it is! Salmon garnished with thyme and black pepper and squeezed with lemon. Mmm, how tasty!"

Nutcracker read his menu and thought of what to say to her while letting great fear overtake his emotions. He is trying to keep a good mood over it. "Oh hey, this looks delish! Traditional-cut New York steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. That's what I"m getting." He put up the menu in front of him to hide the embarassment from his face.

"I love fish and anything that is made from fish. Fish are essential to my life diet, 500 a day keeps me going like there's no stopping or turning back for anything. My sister Kimmy also enjoys fish and she loves to fish a lot. Believe me, she is really, really good at it. She can fish over 1,000 fish in less than a minute! Holy choco-moly! I don't think you'll ever stand a chance against her. She's way too good like a fishing queen under the sodalicious sea." She laughed and looked back at her menu.

"Hahahaha, you can say that again." He laughed quite nervously and stared at his menu, focusing on boosting his confidence. Just then, the waiter arrived with their drinks and then asked them for their order. Tiffi asked for salmon and Nutcracker asked for steak with a side of mashed potatoes and green beans. The waiter took their order and their menus and left.

Nutcracker remembered everything his friends explained to him. He can feel shaking and trembling and his heart was beating faster than usual. He put his hand on his chest. He tried to sit still, but the movement in his body got ahead, and he won't stop fidgeting in his seat.

Tiffi noticed his sudden movements and began to worry. "You okay there?", she asked. "Do you need to use the restroom?"

He froze and stared at her. "Oh no thanks, I'm fine, no need to worry, heh heh" Phew, that was close, he thought. I have to be more aware of my senses or I'll be in pain. Focus me!

He tried to change the subject a little, trying very hard to speak out his feelings to her. "Tiffi, I-", He stopped for a second, trying to think before he can get a chance to say it out loud. "I like you as a friend, since we first met πŸ‘«. I believed I was taken prisoner in this world, but since I met you, I'm not sure if I want to go back home. The first time I saw your face, my eyes were shining bright as our beautiful shooting star πŸ‘€ πŸ’«. I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life πŸ’‘. I think you would feel the same too."

Tiffi's cheeks turned red and she turned her face away. "Oh, uh, really? Thanks. I haven't been feeling homesick since I came here, since there is a lot of adventure, exploration, and of course, candy to enjoy! I made myself yours to know what it feels like for you to have a good friend. That's what matters for us, together" She held her hand out and took his hand.

Nutcracker was shocked at this feeling. She's holding my hand! Oh my gosh, this is a dream coming true! I can't believe this is happening right now. I must keep it going.

"Um, you know another thing? You make the most out of me since we first met, the key to my heart. I have been looking up to you this whole time when it comes to helping the real-life players or just chillin' out at sunset." He looked around and saw many people toasting to their loved ones, chatting and flirting with each other, and even propose to them. He wanted to do the same, but fear is still stuck inside his mind, preventing him to do so.

"Oh is that how you think of me? 'Cause I couldn't have been more sensitive if you weren't here with me. You just make my day, that's all." She let go of his hand and took a small sip from her soda.

The waiter arrived with their food and carefully distributed them on the table. "Bon appetit" he said stylishly.

"Ooh, yay! Time for me to dig in and chow!" Tiffi said as she indulges herself in some fishy goodness. They began eating until they are full, and Nutcracker felt unease as he tries to utter out the most affective statement that will forever change their lives.

"Tiffi I uh, I, um", His voice started cracking, and he felt himself getting hot in his outfit. "Yes my dear?" Tiffi leaned closer to him as he backs away a little, almost falling back. The fear and anxiety had reached their limit, making it nearly impossible for him to put together the words he were to say. His heart was pounding like crazy and his vision was getting blurry.

Tiffi looked at him with concern. She thought he was feeling sick after eating something bad. "Hello? Are you feeling okay? Hello?" She waved her hand in front of his face to catch his attention.

He was still feeling a bit funny and awkward. Suddenly, he can feel his face falling down and then landed on something smooth and squishy.

She gasped dramatically. "Oh my gosh! What's going on? What happened?" She began to panic. "He's fainted. Oh what should I do?" She looked around for someone to help, but she can't interfere with their loving moments nor disturb the waiter as he is very busy collecting orders and seating other people. She only knew a tiny bit about what to do when this happens, so she fixed him upright on his seat and cleaned all the speck of mashed potatoes off his face, grabbed a napkin and fanned it to his face. She never expected this to happen, not when he is about to say this one thing she is very, very delighted to hear. She felt distressed when this kind of delightful moment has ended and terrible misfortune has begun.

The people around her stared in shock and surprise, as they had never seen a 6-year-old do a thing like that. They thought she was very naΓ―ve and reckless on the outside, but on the inside, she was kind-hearted and always happy to help out anyone in need.

She kept fanning harder until finally his eyes opened and he looked up surprisingly at her, unaware of what just happened. He turned and saw many people blankly staring at them and heard them murmuring. Crushed by embarrassment, he got up and ran away from the table to the restroom.

Poor Nutcracker 😭. He had gone all this way to tell her how he felt and screwed it all up. She must've felt very unhappy with the way he acted for her. Let's see how he can resolve this next.

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