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Mr. Toffee trivia

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited May 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

We are first introduced to Mr. Toffee in chapter 2 where he found Tiffi and Kimmy when they fell into the Candy Kingdom. His real name is Tobias Godismann. In episode 93, Toffee Island, Kimmy encounters a big statue shaped like Mr. Toffee (easter islands style). It’s a mystery if Toffee had anything to do with building the statues or if they were always there. 

He has been Candy Town’s beloved mayor for as long as anyone can remember (almost). He is clipped, proper British, part carnival barker, part charlatan, He  is the lovable stage manager for the denizens of Candy Town. With an unmatched passion for Candy-matching, he has little tolerance for chaos and inefficiency. The entire Candy Kingdom seems to run under his watchful eye. 

He is orderly, efficient, and has a good heart; however, he is overly prim and hides his past. Did you know that he has a secret? He keeps it so well hidden that even the King community managers don’t know what it is. He loves anything related to the Candy shop, candy matching, circus related, and fashionable but he can also be very messy and chaotic. 

Let’s continue here – Cherry trivia

Go back to – Chapter 3: It’s Sodalicious in Soda World

or Start at the beginning – Welcome to the Candy Kingdom Chronicles!

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