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Tiffi is so excited to write in her diary but where should she begin? The memory of Coco pops into her head so she starts writing.
Dear Diary,
I remember meeting up with Coco, a 'little rainbow guy' at the Coco Crossroads. He was crying because the arrows on the direction signpost were continuously spinning and did not know where to go. I remember leaving and bringing back a whistle. When I blew it a bigger Coco-looking rainbow, probably his father, arrived and caused the signpost directional arrows to stop spinning. Coco threw the umbrella to the bigger Coco-looking rainbow who responded by twitching his eyebrows. Coco was so happy and made a pose.
Tiffi has her first entry. But she’s not done yet.
Dear Diary,
I remember seeing Freddie the frog at Glazed Grove. I was dressed up as a princess and when I met up with him he told me that he was very hungry. Fortunately, I had some red jellybeans with me so I offered them to him and told him that would make him strong and chubby.
Let’s continue to the next part of the story - Tiffi has a lot to write
Start at the beginning – Tiffi’s Memoirs