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It’s Father’s Day!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited June 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Bright and early, Tiffi wakes up and gets everyone up! No sleeping in late for the gang when Tiffi is around! They have a nice leisurely breakfast and then Tiffi says that it’s time for the men to open their Father’s Day presents. 

They all gather in the living room. But where is Yeti? 

“Yeti, come on!” Mr. Toffee says. “Where are you? It’s time to open up our presents.” 

Yet had to run into the bedroom to get his best friend’s gift that he bought him.

“I’m coming,” says Yeti. “I had to go get my best friend’s gift that I bought. No one said that only children can give gifts on Father’s Day right? So, I bought my best friend a gift too!” 

Wrapping paper, tissue paper, all paper is flying in all directions. Yeti loves the huge basket of chocolate that Mr. Toffee gave him.  

Tiffi tells the two men to sit down because they want to give them a joint gift. She hands her father a card. Before he opens it up Tiffi wants to say something about the gift. 

“Kimmy, Jenny, Chewy and I wanted to give you guys something that you might really enjoy. Dad please open the envelope. We all put a bunch of money together and we want you to both take a vacation somewhere, anywhere.  We want the two of you to spend some quality time together out of Candy Town and away from everyone. Just the two of you for a few days. We wanted to get you plane tickets and hotel reservations somewhere, but we didn’t know if you wanted to go to an island or maybe just do some mountain climbing somewhere. We even thought about getting both of you fishing poles and some camping gear to send both of you on a cool camping trip. We weren’t sure what you guys wanted so we chose just to give you the money and then the two of you can decide where to go.” 

Yeti and Mr. Toffee think that it’s so cool that Chewy joined them in giving this gift. He really has changed for the better! Mr. Toffee thinks that maybe he has given up on the idea of pushing me out of my mayor job so that he can be the major.  

There is one final gift left to give …………………. 

Let’s continue with the next part of the story - A surprise gift for Mr. Toffee

Start at the beginning – Let’s celebrate Father’s Day 2020

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