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Kimmy is not happy

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,543
edited June 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Tiffi’s phone starts ringing, and she looks to see who it is. It’s a Facetime call coming from Kimmy.  

“Hi Kimmy, what’s up?” questions Tiffi. 

Tiffi can hear the trembling in her sister’s voice. 

“Tiffi, I don’t know how to tell you this. You are going to be so mad at me.” 

What could be so bad that Kimmy is afraid to talk about it? 

“Remember when you told me about the Superstar program?” Kimmy says. “You told me that Elsa told you that it’s a secret, but you wanted to tell me because we are sisters. Well please don’t hate me Tiffi. I couldn’t stand it if you didn’t want to talk to me ever again. I promised you that I’d keep it as a secret and I really had good intentions of doing it but when I bumped into Allen I was so excited, and I shared the secret with him. I told him that it’s a secret and that he is not allowed to share it. Well he didn’t listen, and it spread throughout Soda World. I’m sorry Tiffi. I didn’t mean to break the promise that I made with you. It just slipped out of my mouth.” 

Tiffi can hear Kimmy crying. She told her that it’s ok and she will always love her. After all, they are sisters! 

You can read why Kimmy is so upset here - What’s the Secret?

“Kimmy, it’s ok,” Tiffi says. “It’s not like the characters live here in Candy Town and can go back to Elsa and tell her. And besides that, everyone is going to know about it as soon as the CMs finalize their plans on who is going to be a part of the new team. I love you Kimmy and I always will. Please don’t be so hard on yourself.” 

Tiffi blows kisses to her sister and suddenly she can see Kimmy’s smile again! Tiffi starts sharing the information that she found online for Father’s Day. She tells her that she would like to create a Father’s Day book with inspirational messages for Mr. Toffee. Then she tells Kimmy that she will have to call her back later because she has to go back to her googling and call Jenny to make the final arrangements. 

Let’s continue with the next part of the story - Father’s Day around the world 

Start at the beginning – Let’s celebrate Father’s Day 2020

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