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A magic trick with Dachs

_Elsa_ Posts: 36,729 Sweet Legend
edited July 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Oh oh! Dachs looks a little nervous. Rancid tells him that he’ll be fine and wishes him good luck.

One of the judges asks him to introduce himself by giving his name and where he lives.

“My name is Dachs and I am 17 years old.  I used to live in Cake Town but then we heard it had been built directly on top of a still-active Bubblegum Volcano so we had to move. Now I am living in the Candy Kingdom. 

 “And what are you going to do for us today,” the judge asks. 

“My assistant and I are going to do the hat trick,” says Dachs.

He waves his magic wand and says abracadabra but when his assistant lifts the hat up there is no rabbit there. Something is weird. Dachs tells his assistant to hold the top hat in her hand. He waves the magic wand again and it sparkles like it should be working, but no rabbit. He remembers the steps from the article: How to Pull a Rabbit from a Hat, but it’s not working.  He goes over to his assistant and whispers in her ear that when he waves the magic wand and says abracadabra she should shake the hat a little. He thinks maybe that will loosen up the rabbit.  

Once again Dachs waves his magic wand and it sparkles. Abracadabra! The assistant shakes the hat a bit and the rabbit appears but he is upside down! He is so embarrassed and he can’t wait to get off the stage. 

“Thank you,” and he runs off the stage. He doesn’t even wait to hear what the judges have to say. Poor Dachs! 

Let’s continue here - Kimmy sings a song

Start at the beginning – Welcome to the Friends’ Got Talent show!

If you haven’t read the first part of this 2-part story you can read it here – Friends’ Got Talent

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