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The competition begins

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited August 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

Make up done! Hair done! Chef hat on! Yeti’s nerves are really starting to get to him. He hopes that he doesn’t need the bathroom in the middle of cooking. Oh no! Poor Yeti! 

The camera light is on and the camera man is letting them know that it will go live in 5 ….. 4 …… 3 ….. 2 …. 1…………….! 

“Welcome to the Kingdom’s Best Chef show!” says the host. “I would like to introduce our contestants for today. In the top left we have Yeti, and he really is a yeti! If you would like to read more about him, you can check it out here.   To the left of him is Tiffi. Would you believe that she’s only 8 years old and you can check out her bio here.  Directly underneath Tiffi is her friend Jenny. She is the niece of Yeti and they both lived in the Cotton Kingdom at one time. You can read Jenny’s bio here. To the right of Jenny is Kimmy, Tiffi’s older sister. There is a long history between them but you can read all about Tiffi and Kimmy here.”

“Now I’d like to introduce you to our judges,” the host says. “This competition is a bit different than those that you might have watched on TV. The judges will still be critiquing the food but there will be no eliminating at all. All contestants will cook four meals from the protein that I offer to them. Are you ready contestants?” 

Let’s continue here - First round of judging

Start at the beginning - The search is on for the Kingdom’s best chef

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