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Tiffi reads about fairy’s weaknesses

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited September 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

“Microwaves makes no sense,” Tiffi says. “Poppy seed extract? It says that the extract stunned the Wicked Witch of the West, but we are talking about fairies so that doesn’t apply. Same with the ruby slippers. The salt and silver don’t really apply either. Maybe it’s the spells. Do you think that maybe someone cast a spell on them and who would want to do that?”

Tiffi searches on Google for information on spells.

‘A spell is a magical formula employed to carry out a supernatural action. Spells are a key component in Witchcraft. A spell could consist of a ritual action, a set of words, a verse, or any combination of these. Although the majority of spells are spoken in ancient languages (e.g. Latin), some spells may be performed in the native language of the caster. 

While the majority of spells consist of specific ingredients and ritualistic actions, some spells only require a verbal recitation. Some spells may also involve the summoning of a Higher Power with the caster pleading for them to do their bidding. Nevertheless, it is known that whenever a person casts a spell, not only are they channeling energy from a mystical source of power, but are also channeling that energy through themselves which partially remains within them. According to a witch named Rowena, this is what builds a person's residual power, claiming that each time a person casts a spell, the power they are channeling will add on top of the power before. For those who exercise these powers daily and properly, they will eventually become witches. However, for those who only practice these powers occasionally, such as Hunters, they will remain ordinary.’ (Info here)

Tiffi finds a book of spells and shares it with Kim, but there really isn’t anything in there that tells them why the fairies are dying.

Let’s continue here – Tiffi might have found the answer

Start at the beginning – Do you believe in fairies?

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