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Kim shares information about fairies

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited September 2020 in Candy Friends Stories

The two of them arrive at the kingdom and Kim gently brings Tiffi to the ground. Before going any further, Kim wants to share with Tiffi some information about fairies.

‘Fairy beings are as diverse as the flora and fauna of our Mother Earth. They come in all shapes and sizes, usually embodying characteristics of their corresponding element. For this reason, nature spirits are often called elementals. 

Elementals are typically grouped into four categories, each representing one of the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. There are also flower fairies, weather fairies, and household fairies to name a few. Each group has its own specialties when it comes to assisting humanity and the planet. Earth fairies fall under the category of Gnomes, Air as Sylphs, Fire as Salamanders, and Water as Undines.

Earth fairies give form to all life. Every living thing draws from the Earth, and when it dies, returns to and is recycled by the Earth. Gnomes connect us to our bodies and health, inspire reverence for all living things, and balance human greed and exploitation. They often emerge at night and adopt colours and substances of leaves and plants. Many are friendly and gentle to humans, but may become fierce with those that harm the environment.


Earth spirits work directly with the Earth, protecting trees, plants, forests, gardens, caves, minerals, and sacred sites, such as ancient burial grounds, crop circles, and stone circles. They are generally very stable and grounded. They resonate with the colours green, brown, and gold. When creating an altar or giving them offerings, Earth spirits enjoy salt, petrified wood, fossils, herbs, coins, pentacles, nuts, berries, plants, sand, wheat, grass, clay, horned gods, and Goddess figures.

Earth fairies resonate with essential oils and herbs of cypress, geranium, oak moss, patchouli, sweetgrass, and vetiver. For crystals and stones Earth Spirits prefer agate, aventurine, emerald, jet, malachite, rose quartz, smoky quartz, and tiger eye.

They can provide powers of:

-financial prosperity and abundance


-endurance, strength and stability


-attunement to nature’s cycles

-guiding when lost

-caring for animals

-patience and reliability 

To connect with Earth spirits, try walking or sitting in the forest, grounding exercises, walking barefoot, gardening, tree planting, foraging, visiting sacred sites, or hugging trees. Some commonly known Earth folk include Gnomes, Leprechauns, Dwarves, the Green Man, Tree Spirits, Mining Spirits, Giants, and Rock Deities.’ (Info here

Let’s continue here –  Tiffi learns about Air spirits

Start at the beginning – Do you believe in fairies?

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