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Thanksgiving 2020

No more turkey! No more ham!

One day in Bamboo Forrest, out of nowhere, some pigs and turkeys make an appearance carrying signs. They look like protestors. Let’s listen to what they have to say. 

“No more turkeys, just eat veggies,” says Gobbles. “This sign is starting to get heavy! Who wants to hold it for a while?” 

“No more ham, just eat veggies!” says Piglet. “Hey, turkeys get out of our way!” 

Look at this! We have some cute turkeys and pigs protesting. Could it be that they are protesting for Thanksgiving? They even have their young ones with them.

“Mommy do you have any paper to write a letter?” asks Tom. “We want to tell everyone not to eat meat for Thanksgiving.  We don’t want them to kill you and your friends.” 

Gobbles tells her little ones that she doesn’t have any paper but suggests that they look around the area because they might find something to write on. 

A tear rolls down Tom’s cheek when he thinks about losing his mother. Thanksgiving is in 3 weeks so they better hurry up and find some paper quickly. Bertha gives her mother a snuggle and they begin their journey looking for some paper. 

Let’s continue - Are they really talking?

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