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Homemade Valentine’s Day cards

_Elsa_ Posts: 36,890 Sweet Legend
edited February 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

“I’m so happy that Elsa paired me up with both of you,” Jenny says. “Tiffi told me how you became good friends. Elsa suggested maybe we can have everyone do some homemade Valentine’s Day cards for each other.  We can decorate a couple of shoe boxes so when everyone finishes their cards they can drop them in one of the boxes. I think I have some empty shoe boxes that we can use.”

They all start googling for images and poems for handmade cards. Theresawallace44 remembers that famous ‘Roses are red, Violets are blue’ poem so she tells the girls that she will google the poem to see what she can find online.

‘We’ve all heard (and some of us might have even written) some variation of the classic love poem “Roses are Red.” It’s a simple four-line stanza with an equally simple rhyme scheme:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet

And so are you

And while this poem in itself comes off as something like a simple nursery rhyme, what if I were to tell you that its origins transform it into but a piece of a much greater work? While the modern-day usage is far from word-for-word compared to its ancestral use, the similarities are quite clear. Roses are red and lemons are yellow. 

It was upon a Sommers shynie day,

When Titan faire his beames did display,

In a fresh fountaine, farre from all mens vew,

She bath’d her brest, the boyling heat t’allay;

She bath’d with roses red, and violets blew,

And all the sweetest flowres, that in the forest grew.

This excerpt is from the epic poem The Faerie Queene, written in 1590 by Sir Edmund Spenser, specifically Book Three, Canto 6, Stanza 6.’ (Source)

Jenny suggests that they look for variations of that poem. She shares a couple of corny poems. 

Roses are red,

my screen is blue,

I think I deleted system32 

Roses are blue

And violets are red,

Please reverse,

What I just said. ‘ (Source

“What do you guys think of those poems?” asks Jenny.  

Teresawallace44 and siti_payung shake their heads. siti_payung tells Jenny that she’ll look for some too.

Let’s continue - Some Valentine’s Day poems

Start at the beginning – Valentine’s Day 2021 (Part 2)

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