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Tiffi goes on a health kick

_Elsa_ Posts: 36,695 Sweet Legend

Today is just another day in the Candy Kingdom, but we all know Tiffi and her personality, so could it just be another day? Let’s see what she’s up to today………… She turns on the TV to watch the news.

“Has the Coronavirus got you down?,” says the announcer. “How about practicing wellness while you stay at home!  We have with us today Harpreet Gujral, a program director of integrative medicine at Johns Hopkins’ Sibley Memorial Hospital. He would like to offer you some suggestions on staying centered and healthy when you’re working at home during the pandemic. 

Before the day’s demands take over, Gujral recommends becoming centered with some stress-relieving breaths. 

Take a few minutes to really focus on your breathing. There is a technique called 4-7-8 breathing, or relaxing breath, which helps you concentrate on deep breaths. The practice is simple: Breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7 and breathe out for a count of 8. Practicing this for four breaths four times each day or more can help relieve anxiety and reset the autonomic nervous system,” Gujral says. 

Moving and Stretching, Indoors and Out - Staying active can increase immunity and boost mental health. It's common for people to focus on stress rather than physical health. Try 10 minutes of qi gong — movements that help you practice mindfulness — or use stretches and yoga poses to bring your awareness back into your body. 

Eating well - Good nutrition is essential in stressful times however trying to boost your immunity with supplements may not be as helpful as simply eating whole foods. Eating meals rich in plant-based foods, especially leafy vegetables and fruit is beneficial for your health. Increase your consumption of diverse produce to gain more phytonutrients. Taking steps to cut out inflammatory foods such as sugar and bad fats is a good idea. These foods might be more tempting when you’re feeling tense or worried. Cook homemade foods with ginger and turmeric. Adding a little rosemary to your meals can help you focus. Drink plenty of water, and consider green or black tea.’ (Source

“That sounds like good advice,” thinks Tiffi.  

She goes into the kitchen to get some red fishies and then comes back to the TV.

Let’s continue - Tiffi and Jenny catch up

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