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9 species facing extinction due to habitat loss

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,531
edited April 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

‘Now more than ever, we need to implement conscious choices in our everyday lives that protect our wildlife, especially the animals in extreme danger and in need of the most assistance. 

Indian Elephant - Indian elephants are the first species on our endangered list due to habitat loss. Elephants are not only seen as a cultural icon throughout India, they also help to maintain the integrity of the forests and grasslands. An increase in the human population throughout India has left little shared land for these magnificent creatures. Due to humans overstepping into protected areas and clearing forests for roads and other development, this is causing a significant reduction in these beloved animal’s homes. Indian elephants are left with no other choice but to confine to areas without reliable food and shelter.  

Whale - Whales are at the top of the food chain, however in the North Atlantic only 400 exist. Whales are another species on the global endangered list for many reasons. Firstly, many of the world’s busiest shipping routes overlap with areas in large bodies of water where whales feed and use as their breeding grounds. The homes of these species are being destroyed due to collisions with ships, harm caused by fishing gear and pollution which are also increasing injuries and causing death to whales.  

Mountain Gorilla - The mountain gorilla is another animal facing extinction, having been added to the endangered list. Currently, there are around 1,000 of these amazing animals found in the high areas of forests in the mountains in central Africa. The natural habitats of mountain gorillas (even lands within protected areas) have been cleared by humans for agriculture and livestock. Along with poaching, the lands of mountain gorillas have been destroyed by people illegally harvesting charcoal to fuel their houses. This has been seen in Virunga National Park, located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, home to more than half of the world’s population mountain gorilla.’ (Source

Let’s continue - More wildlife species facing extinction!

Start at the beginning - What is an ecosystem?

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