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First round of judging

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,530
edited May 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

“Contestants, for each round you will be baking a theme,” says the host. “In the first round you are each going to bake cupcakes with a summer theme. You will each have to bake 3 different kinds of cupcakes. You have 1 hour to create them, and your time starts now!”

The four of them make a mad dash to the pantry to get everything that they will need. 

Well so far so good! The four of them are managing to get their baking done in a timely manner. They are all now decorating their cupcakes. 

“Contestants, you have 5 minutes left!” says the host. 

Yeti looks at the clock ticking down, and he knows that he has to hurry up.

“Bakers you need to get them on the plate,” says the host. “Only 10 seconds left to go …………. 10, 9, 8, ………..1. Times up! Now let’s hear from the judges. Please tell us what you baked.”

Each one of them takes their turn presenting their cupcakes and describing the ingredients that they used. The judges taste all of their cupcake entries.

The four of them are now sent to their work area while the judges decide who will be removed from the competition.

“I really liked Yeti’s cupcake because he added a chocolate ganache filling,” says the first judge.

“Well I think the best presentation was Jelly Queen,” says the second judge.

“Tiffi did a decent job but I don’t think Rachel’s cupcakes were decorated enough,” says the third judge.

They decide who they are going to be cutting and they are brought back to the judges’ table.

“The judges really enjoyed tasting all of your entries,” says the host. “However, there is one baker that they feel didn’t decorate enough for this competition. I’m sorry Rachel but you have been eliminated.”

Rachel thanks the host and judges for allowing her to compete today.

Let’s continue - Second round of judging

Start at the beginning – Welcome to the King Baking Competition!

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