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Let’s have a pool party!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,531
edited June 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

The weather in Candy Town has been very hot. Tiffi is happy that the players haven’t needed her help as much as they do in the winter. She wants to do things with her friends but if it’s this hot what can they do?

 Tiffi goes back to her summer bucket list to look for ideas of what they can do this summer.

So far they all learned how to use a yo-yo. She does want to go to the beach but that might have to hold off a bit because we have to get the all-clear about the pandemic. She really liked the idea of a mud kitchen. She can imagine her and her friends throwing mud at each other. Wait …… maybe that’s not such a good idea. Playing with water balloons …….. hmmm. 

Tiffi thinks that she’d prefer a pool party to cool off. She will have to check in with her friends.

Let’s continue – Things to do before summer ends

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