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Questions about other natural disasters

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

“Would you like to learn more about natural disasters,” asks Rancid. “I’ll look on Google to get some natural disaster names first. Aha! Would you like to learn about volcanoes and earthquakes?” 

Autumn has no idea what they are but she is ready to listen and learn.

‘What is a volcano?

A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. Gases and rock shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments. Eruptions can cause lateral blasts, lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, avalanches, falling ash and floods. Volcano eruptions have been known to knock down entire forests. An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls.

 How are volcanoes formed?

Volcanoes are formed when magma from within the Earth's upper mantle works its way to the surface. At the surface, it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits. Over time as the volcano continues to erupt, it will get bigger and bigger.’ (Source)

What is an earthquake?

Earthquakes are the shaking, rolling or sudden shock of the earth’s surface. They are the Earth's natural means of releasing stress. More than a million earthquakes rattle the world each year. The West Coast is most at risk of having an earthquake, but earthquakes can happen in the Midwest and along the East Coast. Earthquakes can be felt over large areas although they usually last less than one minute. Earthquakes cannot be predicted - although scientists are working on it!” (Source)

What is a tsunami?

A tsunami is a large ocean wave usually caused by an underwater earthquake or a volcanic explosion. Tsunamis are NOT tidal waves. Tidal waves are caused by the forces of the moon, sun, and planets upon the tides, as well as the wind as it moves over the water. With typical waves, water flows in circles, but with a tsunami, water flows straight. This is why tsunamis cause so much damage! 

What does the word “tsunami” mean?

Tsunami (soo-NAH-mee) is a Japanese word meaning harbor wave.’ (Source

Susan is excited that Rachel and Rancid are helping her, but she’s afraid that Autumn will wear them out with all of her questions. 

“Ok, that is enough questions Autumn,” says Sophia.  

Sophia tells Rancid and Rachel how her mother used to answer her why questions with “because I said so”. She explains how frustrated she felt because her mother never gave her any answers except “because I said so”.  

Rachel feels sad for Sophia and she wants to help her so much. It seems that Sophia has lost patience in responding to Autumn’s why questions. 

Let’s continue - Rachel shares some information on the why phase

Start at the beginning – Rachel and Rancid answer some why Questions about natural disasters


Start at the beginning of the main story – Why … But WHY?


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