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More interesting facts about sunrise and sunset

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

‘The Sun Loses Its Color As It Begins to Disappear - As the sun begins to set, it starts to lose its blue hues. The wavelengths begin to change into green and yellow shades and eventually orange and red. This is why, by the end of the sunset, the sun looks like a blazing ball of fire. 

Before We Witness a Sunset, It’s Actually Gone - In other words, sunsets are nothing but an illusion. What we see in the sky is just the refraction of the sun. The Earth’s atmosphere bends the sunlight, which enables us to see the sunset. However, by that time, the sun has already dipped deep into the horizon! 

Pollution Enhances the Color of Sunsets and Sunrises - This might be a cool sight, but it’s a sad example of what we’ve done to our environment. The smoke particles in the air help scatter the beautiful colors of sunsets and sunrises. This results in the splashes of pinks, purples, reds, and oranges all over the sky. However, if the pollution level is too high, the sky looks hazy and the sunsets look murky. This usually happens in cities and countries that have extreme cases of air pollution.

Red Sky in the Morning Is a Real Warning - The common phrase (from an ancient poem) – “Red sky in the morning” is a “sailor’s” or “shepherd’s” warning – is true. It is believed that a red sunset indicates that the air is clear, and the weather in the west will be pleasant in the morning. However, a fiery red sunrise is a bad omen, meaning good weather conditions have already gone, and a storm may be coming to the east.

Sunsets and Sunsets Are Brighter After a Rainstorm - Rainstorms clear up the sky and take away with them a lot of air pollutants. Therefore, the golden hour after a rainstorm is super dramatic. These facts about sunsets and sunrises just go to show the beauty of nature and our very own Earth.’ (Source)

“And that’s enough information for one day,” says Misty. “I see that Adam has fallen asleep. Maybe this information was way over his head. Let me look for some information on how to answer a child’s why questions.”

Let’s continue - Misty offers Claire some parenting ideas

Start at the beginning – Misty offers some information on sunrise and sunset


Start at the beginning of the main story – Why … But WHY?


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