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Odus finds some good information

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

‘Have you ever looked up at the sky and noticed how the Moon changes shape each night?” asks Odus. “Ever wondered why… And how? Well, here’s the answer – it doesn’t ‘change shape’ at all! Here is an article that I found once about the phases of the moon.”

‘The Moon doesn’t emit (give off) light itself, the ‘moonlight’ we see is actually the Sun’s light reflected off the lunar surface. 

So, as the Moon orbits the Earth, the Sun lights up different parts of it, making it seem as if the Moon is changing shape. In actual fact, it’s just our view of it that’s altering… 

The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite (a celestial body that orbits a planet). It takes the Moon 27.3 days to make a complete orbit around the Earth, but because the Earth is moving around the sun at the same time, it takes the moon 29.5 days to go through its eight different ‘phases’ – a lunar month. 

When the Moon appears to be getting bigger, it’s ‘waxing’ and when it looks like it’s getting smaller, it’s ‘waning’. Once the face of the Moon is fully turned towards the Sun, it’s a Full Moon, and we see it all. But, as the Moon moves around the Earth, the face pointing towards us gradually becomes hidden from the Sun until we can hardly see it at all – this is a New Moon. Cosmic!’ (Source)

“I found a video a couple of weeks ago about why the moon changes,” says Odus. “Let me see if I can find it again on Google. Aha! There it is!” 

He turns his phone so that Ron and Timmy can watch it.

When the video ends Ron thanks Odus for sharing it. Timmy understands what he just saw and now it’s time for the why questions!

Let’s continue - What makes the moon look orange

Start at the beginning - Odus answers some why questions about the moon


Start at the beginning of the main story – Why … But WHY?


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