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Odus share facts about the moon

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

“So Timmy, would you like to learn more about the moon?” asks Odus. “I have a video that I can show you and Dad that will explain what the moon is made of and how it formed.”

Odus opens his phone and quickly finds a perfect video for Timmy. He turns his phone in Timmy’s direction for him to view.

When the video is done, Timmy seems happy but Ron is much happier because he never knew any of this. Odus asks both of them if they’d like to learn more about the moon. 

Of course they would!

“Here are some facts that I learned from googling,” says Odus.

‘The Moon is a dusty ball of rock, measuring 3,476km in diameter – that’s roughly a quarter of the size of Earth.

Its surface is home to mountains, huge craters and flat planes called ‘seas’ made of hardened lava.

The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite – a celestial body that orbits a planet. Its orbit around our planet is shaped like a slightly squashed circle known as an ellipse.

It takes 27.3 days for the Moon to travel all the way around the Earth and complete its orbit.

Although the Moon shines bright in the night sky, it doesn’t produce its own light. We see the Moon because it reflects light from the Sun.

Ever noticed how the Moon appears to change shape each night? That’s because as the Moon orbits the Earth, the Sun lights up different parts of its surface – so it’s just our view of the Moon that’s changing, not the Moon itself.’ (Source)

“Oh I just remembered something else that I can show you,” Odus says. “Do you want to learn about the phases of the moon?” 

Ron is not sure that Timmy will understand but he definitely wants to learn more about this.

Let’s continue - Odus finds some good information

Start at the beginning - Odus answers some why questions about the moon


Start at the beginning of the main story – Why … But WHY?


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