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Yeti meets up with Tiffi in the park

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,543
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

Yeti takes a shortcut through the park and bumps into Tiffi.

“Hi Tiffi, you look like you are in a rush, what’s going on?” asks Yeti.

Tiffi is just being her energetic usual self! 

“Not much going on,” Tiffi says. “I just finished helping a couple of players with their levels. It sure is hot outside today! I am heading home to cool off and eat lunch.”

Yeti wants to tell her about Rachel and David so he suggests that they go out to lunch.

Sounds like a plan!

During lunch time he shares how he met Rachel and David.

“Rachel seems to be a frustrated mother,” Yeti says. “David asks her a lot of why questions and she doesn’t know how to respond so I just met with them and we had a nice morning together. He was asking me about the sun and the rain and even the clouds. He is such a cute little boy and I remember when Jenny went through the why questions stage. I can totally relate to Rachel’s frustration so it was great to be able to help both of them.”

Tiffi loves the idea that he was able to help both of them. She remembers when she went through that phase and how lucky she was that Mr. Toffee always had the best answers for her. 

“If you get together with the two of them again please let me know,” Tiffi says. “I’d love to meet them and help you with the why questions.”

Time for both of them to head on home.

When Tiffi gets home, she takes care of the puppies and then settles down to check her emails. Not much is going on so she decides to do some googling. Maybe she can help with some common why questions that kids ask.

Let’s continue - Some common questions


Start at the beginning of the main story – Why … But WHY?


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