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Yeti helps the little boy with his why questions

_Elsa_ Posts: 36,947 Sweet Legend
edited July 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

A few days later Yeti meets up with the mother and little boy. 

“I apologize for not introducing myself when we last met,” says Yeti. 

The mother tells Yeti that her name is Rachel and her son’s name is David. 

Yeti tells her that she can go do her thing while he spends some time with David, but she decides to stay and listen to how Yeti explains things to her son.

Rachel has brought a blanket so that they can sit down on the grass. Yeti helps her open it up and they all they settle down. David looks around and has a question for Yeti.

“Mommy why is the grass green?,” asks David. 

Here is Yeti’s chance to help Rachel. He turns to David and begins to explain why the grass is that color. 

‘Grass contains a special pigment that gives it a green color. This pigment is called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is used during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process that takes places when a plant uses sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar. Unlike animals, which have to hunt for their food, plants can create their own food using sunlight. If you remove most plants from sunlight, they cannot produce food and will eventually die.’ (Source)

“What is chlorophyll?” asks David. 

Yeti explains that it’s just a green color found in plant cells. 

“What is a plant cell,” asks David. 

Yeti is really getting memory recall of when Jenny went through at this age. Strange how he remembers being impatient trying to keep up with her why questions. Yet now he has so much patience answering David’s questions. 

“A plant cell It is the structural and functional unit of plants,” says Yeti. “Would you like me to find a video online that might help you understand it better?” 

Yeti finds the video, The plant cell and its parts - Natural Science - Educational video for kids, and he shares it with David.

Let’s continue - Yeti explains plant color further


Start at the beginning of the main story – Why … But WHY?


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