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The Father of Modern History

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,537
edited August 2021 in Candy Friends Stories

“Let’s look up who the famous historians are,” says Jean-Luc. “Look there is a father of modern history. Let’s check it out.”

‘Historian and Bishop William Stubbs has been called the 'Father of Modern History'. His work on medieval chronicles and charters set a standard for the emerging school of English history in the 19th century and became the basic text for students in the succeeding generations. His prefaces to the 17 volumes he edited for the Rolls Series, as well as his three-volume Constitutional History of England (1874-8), introduced a style of historical writing that became an enduring model.’ (Source)

In their search to find some famous historians, they do find more.

‘History is an important factor in the creation of longing and belonging of people within a nation. Historians as such have played a major role in the creation of new nation states and empires. T.B. Macaulay is such a historian for Britain, Frederick Jackson Turner for the United States and Johann Gustav Droysen for Germany. It is therefore interesting to assess how a non-Irish historian as an outsider contributed to the formation of the Irish nation and Irish historiography. Generally speaking is the “father” of modern history—Leopold von Ranke—depicted as a nationalistic Protestant who could only write monarchist history. The investigation into his writing of Irish history does not only contradict this opinion but also shows how he was influenced by his Irish-born wife Clarissa.

Every historian has heard of Leopold von Ranke (1795–1886) who was one of the most influential historians of the nineteenth century. He made important contributions to the emergence of modern history as a discipline and he has been called the father of “scientific” history. Due to him, methodological principles of archival research and source criticism became standardised and commonplace in academic institutions and he is generally credited with the professionalisation of the historian’s craft.’ (Source)

“Look here is some information on who the founder of modern historiography,” says Tiffi.

‘Voltaire is considered as one of the pioneers of modern historiography as his works on collecting and recording the historical events during the reigns of famous rulers such as Louis XIV and XV, along with Charles XII and Peter the great made him one of the first people to make an attempt to record historical events in modern history accurately. Furthermore his observations about the roman empire were also of historical significance.  All of these reasons justifies his tag as the pioneer of modern historiography. ’ (Source

Let’s continue - Why is history so important?

Start at the beginning – What is the historical truth?

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