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  • Kiki_g
    Kiki_g Posts: 3,913

    so I think those who didn't play at all don't deserve a reward either. If you register for a team competition, you should also take part in it and not "leave your team dry". Of course, something can happen that prevents you from participating, but at least you can report it and let us know. If you don't do this, you also have no team spirit.....

    Those who did their best and at least tried should be rewarded

    Thank you for your concern

  • Kiki_g
    Kiki_g Posts: 3,913

    Wow some of you are fast to finish the third competition. You are great teammates.

    It will take a little longer for me, I'm stuck at level 1476

  • Laurenmlh
    Laurenmlh Posts: 1,184

    With four challenges currently and unsure how many more see coming... We have a poem, an art contest, getting at least a million and passing ten levels in a day. I believe you should have checked in fairly regularly, most of us are here daily anyway.... And should have done at least one of those challenges for participation. The contests have been fair to all those who are playing not solely focusing on the game for those who picked a team that they aren't familiar with or are newbies.

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,948

    To be honest with the tram my poem is from my heart. I really dont play this game but I joined because I want to be a part of a group that I could be friends with.

    My level is really very low, but I cannot use that as a reason for not participating in the games. I have a responsibility and tasks to do when I joined the team.

    As of now the task i have not complied with is the million score in which i am still working on in level 187. Thank you my friends for the encouragement I have received. Truly I could feel the spirit of unity and friendship in this group. For me you are all qualified for being MVP.

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,948

    In my understanding this is a team competition so why will there be individual rewards. We’re all working hard and checking in for the team. So if the team wins all of its members receive equal rewards regardless whether you have complied or not with all the games. We all know that there are some games that is hard to complete and there are times checking in would be impossible due to poor network.

    In volleyball and basketball when the team wins all receive reward. Even benchwarmers do because they are part of the team.

    Sorry for my opinion but i believe if rewards will be given according to the merit of individual contribution spirit of unity and camaraderie may be gone. There would be no more encouragement and support to lift the spirit of the team.

    But for those who didnt bother to check in at all they should be disqualified for the game since they are not part of the team.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,716

    It's okay! We hope you can pass 10 new levels on this game soon. 😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,716

    @Dleo - We see you have playing this game! So you don't forget to check post Friends Highest Score Screenshot here (over 1 million points) once and Pass 10 New Levels Screenshots here! 😉

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Hello @Kiki_g. It's going to take me some time too, as I keep getting stuck on levels. It will certainly also take me quite some time to pass 10 levels in one day, especially if we are talking about the same calendar day. Yesterday, I passed a couple of levels in the evening and am now stuck again and, as with you, it's already afternoon.

    Keep up the great work which you're doing for our team - it's so good to see!

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,780

    My thoughts are: that we are a team and as such we have all participated to some degree. Not everyone is able to complete each challenge given. Everyone on the team has contributed at least once. We have one member who has been inactive since the first day of check in. @Iffu2 has been missing. Many of us have reached out to @Iffu2. But I noticed this person has only posted twice throughout the community ( on October 10) since checking in on October 3rd. Maybe this person has had a health crisis or has been affected by the recent hurricanes or storms.

    The rules never stated a participation amount. Maybe in future contests participation can be made clear in the rules.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,780

    @Kiki_g I'm just letting you know that I have completed the 10 level challenge and checked in for day 12.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?