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  • Valeria81
    Valeria81 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Ciao à tutti ! Io sono Valeria da Viterbo in Italia! Spero di trovare una bella Community qui! 😘

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,767
    edited September 2021

    Hello Valeria da Viterbo. Welcome to the King Community at Candy Crush Friends. Nice that you found your way here. Please note that we speak uniform English here. Please use a translator if you don't know English. Many thanks to you! 🤗


    Ciao Valeria da Viterbo. Benvenuti nella King Community di Candy Crush Friends. Bello che tu abbia trovato la tua strada qui. Si prega di notare che qui parliamo inglese uniforme. Si prega di utilizzare un traduttore se non si conosce l'inglese. Grazie mille a voi! 🤗

  • BabyKakes
    BabyKakes Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hey everyone. I’m new here. And also looking for friends to play with.

    TABISHARG Posts: 1

    Level 1


    My name is Tabish and I'm new here so be nice lol.

    I love playing candy crush in my other devices and oh this is my first community too so I'm excited as well. I hope to make friends here 

  • MarouanMans10
    MarouanMans10 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    ¡Hola a todos! Yo soy Marouan, los juegos de Candy Crush me encantan.

  • QueenEm
    QueenEm Posts: 5

    Level 2


  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Welcome to the Friends Community!

    @BabyKakes you're in the right place if you want to make friends 🤗. Have you already had a look HERE? You can find a team there to play Dachs Deliveries with 😁

    @TABISHARG first time in a community? I'm sure you'll like it here with us ❤️. If you need some guidance to navigate the forum, you can always ask our Friends Mods @DieOmimi and @gr33n3y3z - they're super nice and always glad to help!

    @MarouanMans10 hahah that's a nice Yeti! We're glad to have you here. Please use English in your posts, as it's the forum's official language and the way we can all be understood. We also have an International Corner, let me introduce you to our Ambassador, @hechicerilla , who can tell you more about it.

    @QueenEm - hello! 😍 Do you need any guidance to navigate the forum? 😜

  • adelsonjunior
    adelsonjunior Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited October 2021

    Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Check our House Rules

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,767

    @adelsonjunior Olá e bem-vindos à Comunidade Rei. Você está aqui no Candy Crush Friends. Por favor, note que falamos inglês aqui na comunidade. Se você não pode falar esta língua, por favor use um tradutor.

    Infelizmente, não podemos ajudá-lo com seu problema. Os dados pessoais estão sujeitos à proteção de dados e são estritamente confidenciais.

    Eu ficaria feliz se você ainda ficasse na comunidade e se divertisse com nossas competições e eventos.

    Obrigado por encontrar seu caminho até aqui.


    @adelsonjunior Hello and welcome to the King Community. You are here at Candy Crush Friends. Please note that we speak English here in the community. If you cannot speak this language, please contact a translator.

    Unfortunately, we can't help you with your problem. Personal data is subject to data protection and is strictly confidential.

    I would be happy if you still stay in the community and enjoy our competitions and events.

    Thank you for making your way here.

  • CHICAO41
    CHICAO41 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited October 2021

    Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Check our House Rules

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?