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@Boybinary, page 1 I had seen. I thought it was done for you by now and by playing on your mobile device, it has continued on Windows as well. I apologize for the misinterpretation.
I would like to ask other Windows players at the same time. @Werner_Cichy @kiara_wael @jeanps what about you (I can't think of more players on Windows at the moment). 🙈
Thank you for your answer @kiara_wael @Jody_Cheng_. This will help the studio to find out the cause.
@DieOmimi no new levels.
I also have not received any new levels. I am still at the roadblock on level 6420. I have taken all the troubleshooting steps several times. I have checked for updates and am current. I have cleaned the cache. I have plenty of space available etc. etc. etc. I play on my P.C. windows 11.
Thank You in advance for taking care of this.
@istuff @Werner_Cichy it is being investigated by the studio why new levels cannot be played on Windows 10 / 11. I hope to hear a solution soon and will inform you all here in this thread.
@Werner_Cichy, you're not the only player who didn't receive a Dachs delivery service last time. I also reported this problem a few days ago and passed on all IDs (including yours). I have seen 9 players in the forum or in the support area who were affected by this. All 9 user IDs are registered for analysis by the studio. I hope that the problem will be solved by Friday.
When I hear news, I'll let you know.