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Team Leaders, Attention! I lost an important function in the game.



  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,873 Level 3



    I already thought you didn't exist. You appear so rarely in the Community that I have already ranked you as a Marvel movie character.

    I also hope that the button I need will return to my game soon.

    Thank you for your attention to our problem.

    I hope that you will not forget about our problem. (Sometimes in the Community, the problems of the players are forgotten by both the moderators and the CM).

  • Snow_Rider
    Snow_Rider Posts: 2,243 Community Manager

    @CassD @ElenaVorona As much as I'd love to share when the issue can be fixed, sadly, I don't have timeline for you 😥 But you can rest assured that the issue has been reported and already in the Studio's agenda. The only thing is that, unfortunately, I have no information when the Studio can start working on this task. However, from mods' and my side, we make sure all critical issues and feedback are forwarded to the Studio. And it's up to them to prioritize tasks that require their immediate attention. Hope for your understanding! 

    P.S. Which Marvel character am I? 😄

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,873 Level 3

    Thank you for forwarding our problem to the Studio.

    May I tell you honestly?

    When I see answers like yours, I suspect that this problem will be fixed in many months or even years. Or this problem will never be fixed.

    I draw this conclusion based on my experience here in the Community.

    I have been in the community for over three years now. And during this time, I see that the Studio breaks more in this game than it builds. For three years, only the button to go to the levels appeared in the game. For three years, players have been asking the Studio to make this button.

    I can no longer name what improvements the Studio has made to this game.

    Now the Studio has completely broken the management of the team by the team leader. If I have to wait three years .... Will I be able to manage the team again no earlier than 2026?)))))))

    P.S.: You will be a new character in the Marvel Universe.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 16,955 Level 5

    @ElenaVorona my apologies for not having seen this thread earlier. I too no longer have the feature to kick off unresponsive players. I have never kicked anyone off of my team. If it weren't for your post I would never have known the feature was missing. @snowball1954 ( sorry @snowball1954, I didn't mean to tag you into this thread and I am unable to delete your tag)

    @Snow_Rider thank you for looking into things. I am having an issue. I haven't had the dachs delivery service for several weeks now. My team mates have it, but not me. Why is that?

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516 Level 5
    edited June 2023


    Like @rebelchild, some of my team have been without Dachs' Deliveries for the last few weeks and we have mentioned this before too.. We cannot contact some of the other team members to check whether they have it in their game because we no longer have PMs or a chat facility in the game - all we can see is that they are inactive.

    Members of my team have also been in contact with you in the past few weeks about the lack of new levels in their game and this issue has still not been resolved. They too were asked to post ridiculous screenshots.

    It does not seem that anyone is listening to us, however many times we contact you and the GMs

    Like @ElenaVorona, I'm beginning to believe that you and the Studio are a figment of my imagination and, unless something positive happens soon, it will only serve to confirm my thoughts!

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 40,465 Friends Moderator

    @ElenaVorona @rebelchild @CassD please be assured that we will take care of the problems in the game. Our manager has many forums to manage and works very hard. I know she talks to the studio a lot because there are a lot of bugs in the game right now. 

    The studio has not yet been able to tell us when which bugs will be fixed. I hope to be able to bring good news every day.

    Rest assured that I read your comments and if there is any news, you will be the first to know.

    There is a thread on the subject of "no Dachs Delivery Service in the game" (here). I have reported the IDs of the affected players (9 community members are affected). Your ID @rebelchild is also reported and by some members of the @CassD team. 

    Please be patient. I'm not going to comment here on a daily basis. Only when I have useful information do I come back. 

    Thank you for your understanding.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 16,955 Level 5

    Thank you dear @DieOmimi for your reply, and for helping to report our issues. Thanks for adding my id to the missing dds feature. Lol I am the team leader, but can't assist my team

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,873 Level 3


    I am currently most active in two games - CCFS and FHS.

    In both games I have teams.

    In FHS now, the Studio has also made us a big trouble. But I still believe in these guys. Because I see that they are trying to change the game. I see the results of their activities, I see their experiments (successful and unsuccessful). But I see that although they are wrong, they are trying to move forward.

    That's why I still believe in them. For now.

    In CCFS, I now see only the deterioration of the game.

    When one of the players reports a problem, they receive a standard response that the Studio is aware of this problem and is making every effort to fix this problem. But nothing happens. The problem continues to exist for all of us for months or years.

    I already once said that I worked together with IT people. Therefore, I understand why we read such different answers from FHS (In 2 weeks, before the end of the month) and CCFS (We all know, we are doing our best, but we cannot name the dates).

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,873 Level 3
    edited June 2023


    Six months ago, I informed you about a problem that our team has.

    I still haven't received a response from the Studio.

    I think that I will not get an answer to that question and to this new question for many more times for half a year.

    Perhaps you are trying to make this game better. I don't know. But I see that the Studio is not interested in this game and does nothing to improve this game.

    But the worst thing is that the Studio makes the game worse, removes useful features. And then hides from us behind the words: "We love you all. We remember you. We do everything to make the game better."

    But in fact Studio CCFS does nothing.

    @CassD you are absolutely right The studio does not exist.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?