Same boost and life as android for iSo
we need to get moore boost and life for bothe android and iso because my girlfriend have samsung and she have 30 extra life and extra free draw when she is close to finish a level but iso only have 5 life and nothing if you not fill the boost bar witch is hard for iso. and she is at level 4800 and im only lvl 1775 and im…
Ads don't give me any extra moves
From my second account I get ads sometimes when I don't complete the level But the weird and funny thing is that it's one bombshell ad 💣 How is that a bomb without movements, not even one movement 🤔!?
new game ideas
"Mystery Quest" - Interactive Mystery Puzzle Game Features and Advantages: Mystery Quest offers immersive mystery puzzles with captivating storylines, challenging riddles, and interactive gameplay. It provides a variety of cases to solve and a leaderboard for competitive play. "PuzzleMinds" - Brain Training Puzzle App…
6000!!!!! ⭐️ 🌟 where’s my badge? ?love to all
Happy Day!!
All my item is gone
I reinstalled Kendy Crush Friends Saga while changing my new phone. Fortunately, my level was saved in my Facebook ID, so I loaded it up, but all the items inside disappeared. It doesn't interfere with playing the game, but I'm so sad that the items I've collected are gone. Is there no way to find it? It's my last photo I…
Rewards not recieved in recent event ingame
Hello team from King, my first time on this forum, because I experienced a problem. There was an event ingame, that concerned collection icecones; that event ended yesterday/today (depending on timezone) and I was on first spot. When I logged in today, the event was gone and no prices to collect or recieved; what happened?…
(ENDED) 🍭 Play with your favorite colorful costume - win gold bars 🏳️🌈
Hi friendtastic players! In the Northern Hemisphere the summer has begun! The nature has blossomed and everything is colorful. Play your favorite colorful levels with your most colorful costumes for a chance to win gold bars. I chose level 737 with Misty the Carnival Queen for this. This level has very nice summer colors.…
How does one contribute to Dach's team goals when you're at the end of the map?
I recently reached the end of the map, and all the Dach's team goals say 'on a new level' .. and I've noticed that trying to replay old levels where you don't have three stars still doesn't seem to add to the team goals? Are those of us at the end of the map now useless to the team?
Why can I not open my piggy bank?
I am unable to open my piggy bank. Why?
How do I put my picture on my profile?