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⚔️ Community Spirit: who will become a Jelly Knight?



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  • DaniTheOG
    DaniTheOG Posts: 2,324
    edited December 2021

    Hi there @95chata.

    I don't think you & I have ever officially met but let me give you a friendly piece of advice: don't stress, at the end of the day these awards are not important.

    Don't get me wrong, I like winning as much as everyone else (actually, even more! 😁) but when it comes to these "player of the month" in all the different games most times it is actually more of a recognition not to win them than it is to do so. Think about it this way: a player gets nominated by several players but the decision is left to the game's Mods & CM. In this case, even the name of the recognition already tells you that this is not a 'democratic' award but more a royal/monarchic thing. Hey, even the Community is a Kingdom... not a Republic. 🙃

    I understand your frustration, trust me. The first time I was skipped in Soda I also wanted to grab my belongings & leave... I, like you, felt singled out & targeted and like the award (well, the 'not awarding it to me') felt like it was being used as a punishment... but then came those like @me6412 & @Nix66 who reminded me of the multiple nominations I had gotten and how that should be what matters. I was skipped two more times after that... yet here I am. Why? Because it does not matter! These awards come & go and are a still picture of a particular time (just 30 days) of the opinion of those who decide who to award them to.

    Being nominated by fellow players & other Mods is the true honor. 💯 Trust me, I've been here long enough to know & that sticks much more than a badge in your profile or your name being put in a forgotten thread.

    FYI: we might just love bomb you now so you don't leave (why? cause when a player that is important to the Community leaves we all lose & I already told you I don't like losing 😜) so let me tag my fellow 'skippers' @headoperations, @Spieler_8675309 & @me6412 & some other peeps for that.

    @CassD @Nix66 @gr33n3y3z @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @rebelchild @LoveDachs @Nat09 @MollyS @Racoon7 @simplyP @Boybinary @Glenn1972 @Spinnifix @Lola_Pop

    Also, let's all congratulate @Andres-2 who I'm sure deserves the recognition.

    Edit - Adding some colorful jelly to brighten the day!

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639

    @Andres-2 CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a Knight of the Round get ready to have your neck woah on that 🤪🙃🤣 your shoulders tapped by our GM @Lady_Sarina with a Aluminum Sword created by our Jelly Bean Queen @headoperations WOW I am getting a bit off track must be from the cigarette that I bummed from @DaniTheOG (you sure that was a cigarette ❓) anyway the Sword made of the finest steel beaten and fired into a remarkable work of art.....

    @Andres-2 you now have a seat at the Knights of the Round Table and welcome to the Kingdom (although Lady_Sarin calls it something else) you promise to uphold your responsibility to the Jelly World.....

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639

    @95chata Do you not see how many others here been in the same place as you and still we (me) are still here because if nothing else you have self respect and all these new friends who respect you and have been in the same position at one point and time as you, but we realized it's more important to have the friends than 30 days of feeling like we have something that nobody else has when in fact they really don't's true they didn't care when I finally did win Farmer of the month after the congratulation that was it....nothing more....but I got a badge and so did a lot of other's in different ways for different need to put on your big shoes and walk across the floor and stand up and smile 😉😎💯 my friend

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,787

    @95chata as players before me have stated, nominations don't always mean awards. I don't understand the reasoning, but this is how I feel:

    The mods all go to great lengths to provide us with competitions and contests and other things. So to complain about stuff can all most be a slap in their faces

    No one is going to be 100% happy all the time

    It is nice to earn badges. It is nice to get pats on the back. But I am here because the most important thing is the people! I love all my friends. I love the friends I haven't met yet. I am not here for awards or gold bars or badges, or to win competitions. I am here to have fun.

    So maybe examine the reasons why you are here in the community. Why did you join. And if any of us people are worth sticking around for. For the fun. So you can either shrug it off and join in, or grab your ball and leave stomping your foot.

    Thank you to my crew of friends who alerted me to this issue

  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,706

    @Andres-2 - Congrats and I want to see that happy dance of joy😁 on your way to the Jelly Round Table.

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,862

    Congratulations @Andres-2 on becoming the next Jelly Knight 🎉

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?