Color bomb/color bomb combinations
This doesn't happen that often, but sometimes I get the chance to make a color bomb/color bomb combination. Most of the time I do that. It seems like the very few times I tried to use each separately things didn't work out well. Are there situations where a player shouldn't make that combo? I don't think I'm going to look…
5340, was 4000 points, now 5500
5340 in all how to videos, you only need 4000..but now the the game needs 1500 more!!! Not fair. Have played over 40 times, with 3 extra moves and full boosters, even lost 3 saucers on one game. Not happy with the increase of points.
Problem with the wheel at the end of the level
Hello everyone. The wheel doesn't work for me after last update. When the number of moves are finished, there's a wheel that help to win extra moves or other stuff. But it keeps moving and loading and I can't use it any more. Any one else have the same problem? Is there any thing I can do to make it work?
Hard Level 5177 | The Most Ridiculous Level Ever Made
Calling The Attention Of King Games Developers Candy Crush Saga Hard Level 5177 is the Most Ridiculous Level Ever Created In The History Of Candy Crush. I started with Space Dash Full of Space Ships including the Gold One. None of my Space Dash Boosters appeared in this Level but when I lost, I lost them one by one. I…
(Unsupported language) Sfida settimanale
Perché non mi vengono mai assegnati i premi per la vittoria della sfida settimanale? Grazie
New Look To Watch A Video, Get Extra-Spin On Failed Levels
Hi Everyone! Here is the ScreenShot of the New Replacement for Watch A Video, Get Extra-Spin On Failed Levels. It is now called Win Moves To Continue Playing. It is a much neater look.
noone sends lives back or what? I always do every time I get mail. Urg lol
The Kingdom's "Thank You Candy Crush" Video Competition Entries Deadline Is Fast Approaching
Hi Everyone! The Kingdom's Thank You Candy Crush Video Competition Entries' Deadline is fast approaching. All Entries should be submitted by 23:59 CET or 11:59 PM Central European Time on Friday, September 6, 2019. If you haven't submitted your Entry, you still have time to do so. Winners will be notified by e-mail…
how come i only get 20 moves on level 3470 and everyone else is getting 30???? also why dont I get the beanstalk game to gain more boosters. my friend gets it every day :( :(:(
Candy Crush Saga Fun Events & Wheel Of Power-Ups Booster Generators
Hi Everybody! I just want to point out something on Candy Crush Saga Events & Power-Ups. Based on the previous Levels I've played this year, Candy Pets Rami and Didi alternates but they are not always in the game week after week. There is no specific time verbally implied or otherwise when they will be appearing in the…