More Bonbon Blitz effects
Maybe you could add a Lucky Candy effect, which creates Candy Orders in surrounding spaces when it’s hit. Or you could add Candy Combinations, such as Striped + Striped as Bonbon Blitz effects.
Candy Fuse: A new beneficial blocker!!
Candy Fuses take up one space on the board, and they have a Wire connecting it to other blockers. The Wire does not affect the flow of candies. Hitting Candy Fuses with a Special Candy effect will activate or damage all of the connected Blockers along the Wire. Bonbon Blitzes are the most useful item to have connected to…
Rock Candy Shield: A new blocker!
Have you ever thought that Candy Crush blockers were too weak? I mean, all of them are easily destroyed, after all! Rock Candy, every Blocker’s favorite bodyguard, saves the day!! Rock Candy is absolutely indestructible. You literally cannot even crack the stuff. Sounds boring, right? Chocolate Fountains are…
Popping Candy: A new, explosive blocker!
Popping Candies will destroy 5 completely random candies in its 5x5 radius when they’re destroyed. They only have one layer, so they’re easily destroyed. However, Popping Candy explosions have an extreme element of luck to them. Popping Candy explosions will always hit other Popping Candies if possible, so destroying one…
Idea: Caramel
Caramel is a background element, like Jelly or Jam. Tiles covered with Caramel cannot occupy any blockers, except for Licorice Swirls and Toffee Swirls. All other blockers will be destroyed if they touch Caramel. Also, Candy Bombs are slowed down if they’re on a Caramel tile. Basically, if a Candy Bomb is on a Caramel…
Lolly Spinner: A new game-changer!
There’s only four kind of background tiles in the game: normal Tiles, Rainbow Rapids, Conveyor Belts, and Jellies. Here’s a new background element for you: the Lolly Spinner! What is the Lolly Spinner? It replaces normal tiles, and is the only secondary kind of tile in the game. When the Lolly Spinner is hit with Special…
Licorice Rope: A new Blocker!
A new Blocker has come to town, and it has been terrorizing the citizens as they play Candy Crush on their devices. The guilty party is… …our new blocker, the Licorice Rope! Licorice Ropes sit between tiles, just like Licorice Fences. However, they don’t affect the flow of candies, nor do they prevent matches or moves from…
Tinfoil Wrap: A new blocker!
Chocolate in Licorice Locks is fine, but it’s kinda boring! Maybe we need a new lock for Chocolate specifically. And believe me, Tinfoil Wrap has some strange properties to it. Strange Properties! Depending on the direction you hit it from, the Tinfoil Wrap will open on one side. The Chocolate encased in the Tinfoil Wrap…
Gummy Leech: A new annoying element
Gummy Leeches have one goal: make your much more difficult than it needs to be. Or they can make your life easier! It all depends on your luck. One thing is a given. These blood sucking fiends love destroying candies. What do they do? Every three moves, Gummy Leeches will target a random Special Candy, Blocker, or if…
A brand new blocker: The Candy Filter
Blockers need to do more than just take up a space on the board. They need to affect the flow of candies as well! Sure, your average Icing is gonna control the flow of candies, but maybe we could do better. Maybe we need a Candy Filter. Candy Filter properties Candy Filters prevent candies of specific sorts, such as Red…