Music and sound effects
Yup, closed the app, opened it back up 2 hours later, stupid music and sound effects back on. During this time I did not shut down Facebook, update, refresh or reset anything. STOP IT. I hope you are enjoying me not spending a red cent on your game because you refuse to fix this issue.
I finished level 3155 and there are no more games but I know there are more levels
I finished level 3155 and there are no levels to advance to however I know there are more levels
Well in the lead candy stripe Island challenge with a few hours to go and received nothing.
Well over a 1000 points over no2 on the candy stripe Island challenge with only a couple of hours to go and I have not received a gift. What is the point of spending time playing these challenges?
Why is Candy Crush Treat Calendar not getting past Day 1?
The Candy Crush Calendar is not getting past Day One. I play on a MacPro Air
Why do I have to reset to get the candy factory items to start appearing again if I fail a level?
So by this I mean the special candies that appear after you make a decent cascade and count toward the sweet factory rewards progress. Every time I fail a level, then finish it and move on to the next, these candies no longer appear, even though they should and the only way I cn get them to is to restart the game, which…
Candy Crush Saga speed games
Candy Crush Saga is my favorite game except for one feature which may cause me to stop playing. I find the speed games stressful and inconvenient, as I often doing something else while playing the game, such as taking a lunch break, or messaging with a friend, where I need to divert my hands or pause from playing from time…
Colour bombs are self destructing.
Why are my colour bombs destructing for no good reason?
updated version of Candy Crush don't work on updated Chrome on Mac
updated version of Candy Crush don't work on Chrome 64.0.3282.140 (528 score html test) with Mac OS 10.11.6 but work with FireFox 58.0.1 (480 score html test).I use Chrome for Facebook and if I play Candy on FireFox with much other tab open for biz, the browser work slowly
Reset progress
Please can you reset my progress at candy crash saga??
Booster s away
My Tablet crushed , i have a new Tablet and all Boosters lost. How i can get my Boosters back?