Level 2919
Why is the number of moves on level 2919 show 18 moves and on some 21 moves on the you tube videos and mine comes up with only 13? Playing on a desktop and 13 moves is not enough to even get close.
I purchase the 20 gold bar special package. I received the gold bars but no boosters!
I purchase the 20 gold bar special offer which came with a variety of boosters. I have received the gold bars but none of the boosters. How can I get them?
Slow and freezing on Android past 3 days
Game is slowing and freezing on Android. I've cleared cache and data, uninstalled and reinstalled, checked for updates and turned device off and back on. No issues with other apps; no issue on Facebook. Ideas?
How to I regain my lost 1200 level?
I have been playing Candy Crush on an old iPad not associated with Facebook. Bought a new iPad and took it to the Apple store to have all data and apps transferred from iCloud backup. I told the agent that it was important that I not lose my level 1200. The app transferred but shows me back at level 1. Also, my old iPad…
How can i delete my score Data
Hello i Play with my Mobile Phone „Candy Crush“ and i am connected with Facebook and i Want Play with Facebook But new from Level 1 . How i can get back to Level 1 and Level new from Level 1 ?
2999 caused arrhythmia
I have been on this timed level for 3 days, once got within one jelly, only to run out of time. The anxiety has caused a pounding irregular heartbeat. Please stop making these timed levels. They are too hard on older players. Describe your question in more detail here (at least 40 characters please)
Please tell me why I don't get the Magic Dash and the Magic helmet
I have never received the Magic Dash or Helmet. Please tell me why.
Morts helmet and space dash
I don't get morts helmet or the space dash. My game is updated. My whole family gets this so it can't be random.
changed level in the game with 2600 400
Hello! When the game is loading instead of the 2600 level is loaded 400. The Council support of the game I cleaned the cache, rebooted the game and kept the game in Facebook. Now you can play with only 400-level((( Can I return your 2600 level?
Looks like it's my turn for the unable to continue until browser is updated message.
My browser is up to date and the score is 488. What do I do now? Please help this CCS addict!