Level 2383 won't even give me enough licorice to succeed
I've spent countless lives and a 2 hour unlimited lives prize trying to get through this level. Every time I've gotten the licorice to fall it never falls enough to even complete the level. I've had 15 moves left when the licorice falls and still end up 6 licorice short. This is getting a bit ridiculous.
Candy Crush Saga Level 98
How to pass level 98 in Candy Crush Saga. It is so annoying as it says you have 40 moves and I dont even get to use many moves. How do I get pass this level. I hate these bombs, feel like deleting the game as it is so frustrating.
LVL 2216
Here's the story, I don't want to play a board that I literally have "ZERO" chance of even playing, so when King is ready to give a decent chance of even playing "MORE THAN 7-8 MOVES" let me know... and I'll play...
No more levels on iphone and android !
Candy Crush Saga App stopped at level 2540 both on Iphone and tablet (android) ! WHY ?
Accidental button press
Is it possible to have a confirmation button when we accidentally click the "Extra moves" button instead of the "Continue" when we miss a level? On my cell phone, the buttons are very close one to the other and even if I'm careful I sometimes click on the wrong one. It happened 3 times lately that I've lost 9 gold bars for…
Why don't I have the golden path anymore?
I am on level 2552 and I used to get the golden path every week but I haven't gotten it in like 4 weeks and I was wondering why. Is there a problem with my app or is it no longer offered?
level 1810 not possible
I left Candy Crush a year ago because of level 1810. I had hoped it might be fixed by now. I miss crushing. This sucks. King lost my money. Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)
moving episodes
I have been playing and moving up levels and episodes without having to wait, ask anyone or paying. Then I completed level 245 and Suddenly it says I have to pay or wait 70 hours to move to the episode. Why is this happening now and why wasn't it happening before?! Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80…
I have just finished Candy Crush Saga level
I have just finished Candy Crush Saga Level 830. Previously I always switch to airport mode & play quest to go to another epi. But this option is missing this time . Pls help.
Why can't i play quests to unlock new episodes?
The icon that you normally tap to unlock new episodes is flat when I am offline, that is it can not be tapped to open a new window that offers choices to unlock episodes (gold, friends, etc.). So I can not play quests to unlock new levels. When I am online there is a button. However as we know, quests are not offered when…