Level 2463 has an infinite loop when playing in a web browser.
I took a quick video of the infinite loop here: https://youtu.be/aD-hPN_giBw
Light up the sky doesnt work
Im in Light up the sky and nothing happens i touch the screen and nothing goes on Its dark but doesnt allow me to continue playing the game its really frustrating! What should i do??
Treat Calendar
I have to come back every day otherwise the calendar will reset. Why is there not a time display any longer to let you know when your next treat will be “ready”? It was really helpful but the timer was removed after a calendar change on 4-18-17. Can you please reinstate that? I go into the game early in the morning at…
Anyone know how to clear 2480 ??
I can't figure out how to get the fruits out. The only video I can find, is not the same board I have, and I can't get the fruits out. I was just about to come on here, and say kudos to this episode, and then I hit 2479, and this one. Both of these are crazy hard. Now I'm stuck, and can't find help. Anyone got this one yet…
Candy Crush Treat Calender
Similar to some people, my calender keeps resetting every few days. For example, I'll log in on a Monday and my calender will look a certain way. Then I'll log in each day for 3 or 4 days and then my calender will have a new appearance. It will look like a completely different calender and my days are reset. I've…
What's up with the boosters?
I am on jelly level 2140. I have used the fish a few times and during play time with those fish I only get one or two then fail the level. Why am I only getting one or two in game play?? Seems pointless and worthless. I sure won't buy any boosters if they really don't help in completing a level! Waste of money!
Adobe wants to store information on my computer whenever screen changes
I keep getting a pop up box everytime the screen changes in Candy Cane Saga. It asks "Local Storage. Allow d1a72spon8oqz4.cloudfront.net to store information on my computer". I can't get rid of this. I keep selecting deny but as soon as the screen changes it comes back again. How can I get rid of this?
You changed the format on candy crush and I lost all my levels.
With the new format, I went from a level over 1700 to a level under 400 and this happens with both internet explorer or mozilla firefox.
Lost my levels on candy crush please
Lost my levels in candy crush 854 please restore them I have logged into my account finally and I still don't have my levels please help Tammyroseantonaros@gmail.com thank you I play on my I phone and iPad and on Facebook
How can I Retreive my level?
I was on level 500+ and now back to1. I thought this Kingcare Cares???!!! I keep on asking this question and none of you solve my problem!!!