Candy Crush says I need to update Flash to play.
I have the current version and have updated several times but I am not able to play. Please advise. Thank you.
Game level lost in candy crush
We logged out of candy crush level 1650 on old LG phone and installed on new Samsung , but on logging in game went back to level one. Can anybody please help . Really upset for my wife .
My candy crush game gets to 100% but won't actually load the game?
My candy crush game gets to 100% but won't actually load the game. Your forum suggested I should delete browsing & cache, restart computer & it would load .... it hasn't !?! Please HELP It says candy complete then says facebook.com is not loading ???
All bonuses such as colour bonbs and fish have reset to zero
I play on one single android tablet. I was playing yesterday, and I had some 40+ colour bombs, fish, other boosters and a few candy hammers, and this morning, all had reset to zero. The daily bonus (9 squares) had disappeared too. This is a real annoyance. How do I get them reinstated?
Treasure chest is not rewarding even though it says I have 39 hours left.
I have had several treasure chests fail to go off even though the clock says they have not timed out.
i am switching to a new phone. How do I save all levels?
new phone. how do i save all levels. i don't want to lose everything again. is it possible to save through iCloud or Facebook.
Please help me to retrieve my acc back
Hi..my candy crush app in iOS often force close..so I've tried to uninstall and install it back again..then my candy crush acc back to level 1..all my progress disappear..My nickname is 3M and using panda avatar and at about level 20xx..I hope you can help me to retrieve my progress back..Thank you Describe your question…
I have been on lever 1525 for a long time. I don't even get close to winning this. Can you help?
I am having problems with level 1525. Are you sure that it is a game that one can win? Are there any hints that will help me? I am getting frustrated with this level. I don't even come close. And I don't want to have to buy more time. I couldn't even win it that way. Please help me
Lost progress
I recently synced my progress to Facebook and I was over level 1000 now I'm at level one. I am furious I've been playing over 3 years now
Perdu mes niveau
Bonjour je Étais au niveau 1400 sur mon portable Compte j'ai CREER Facebook répandrai synchroniseur le jeu sur ma nouvelle tablette je suis au niveau 1 Retomber-sur les Deux Appareils Qué Faut il faire Verser Récupère mes niveaux de l'ONU merci de vos réponses