Next level and.boosters
Hi, I can't pass to the next level, it appears that it remains 00:00:00 time left. Also all of my boosters had disappeared Please, help me
I'd like to know why Candy Crush keeps asking me to download Adobe Flash player
I have already installed the current Adobe Flash player on my computer and yet the game is still looking for it.
If I delete the game will I lose everything?
My game disappeared from my IPAD. It isn't even in settings but the icon is still on the iPad. It tries to load then goes back to icon. Does anyone know whats wrong and if I delete the game and reinstall will I lose everything?
Candy doesn't move first click lots of times. Have to try more than once.
When moving candy with my cursor on my computer, it doesn't always move first time. Have to click 1 or 2 times to move it. Aggravating when chocolate is building up. If it would move first time, I would beat the chocolate most times. Wonder why it doesn't move first time?
why candy crush saga, candy crush soda and candy crush jelly notification not working
Why the candy crush saga, candy crush soda and candy crush jelly notification is not working on the iPad settings. When I started each level of each games it always logs me out and I started over again on that level. I lost each life when I started again.
How do I get access to a level 2000?
I want play on level 2000 due a special event, there are at least 7 days remaining according to http://candycrushsaga.com/ Now im on level 381, so I match the requirements. Im already got an offer to try level 2k in android version of CCS a few days ago, i have tried to pass it one time and failed. And there are no more…
Level 1317 freezes
I have completed this level lots of times but the game freezes so it never registers as complete. I cannot go to the next level because of this.
Candy-crush not working (online). It works only in local.
When I try to start the game, if the online connection is up, the app crash down after I installed IOS 10.0.2 on my Iphone 6. What is happening?
My game won't load for 2 weeks now
i emailed and got a ticket last week but no reply/help. My game opens to the orange king loading page and then closes. I was upto 1100's or 1300's in level :( please help!!
This IPad is used by me(Shirlynn Gan at level 2011) and Tan Yee Khun(at level 65).
Since Oct 5, whenever I log-in to Candy Crush, I get do not get my game at level 2011. I get level 65 game. How can I get my game back!!! Please help.