I can"t play the game,everytime i try to,it shows i need adobe flash player that i already have installed.Does anyone else have the same problem.
I was on level 850 something and the game froze. I had to restart at the beginning. Still have the
the freezing problems continue with the game going to a black screen or the home screen.
Here we go again....level 1995
Here we go again with another impossible timed level. I can not even break 100,000 points so how in the heck am i supposed to get 250,000. The last game i just played i got 4 color bombs and i still only ended up with 90,000. Anyone else having problems passing this level?
Stuck between episodes
tooth fairy time is at 0, but it's not letting me advance to the next level. stuck between 185 and 186 and has been for a few weeks.
Candy Crush Saga Keeps Crashing
I used to love this game. Candy Crush Saga is highly additive. Passed many levels, then the crashes started happening. Tried the suggested fixes (newest IOS version, memory, etc) Didn't work. Now that I'm an addict, the game is not working on my iPad. Highly frustrated. My suggestion...don't start!!
How do i get my progress back with a different fb and e-mail account on my Kindle Fire
I played Candy Crush along time ago but now I want to restore my previous progress but I have a new Facebook Account with a different E-Mail.How do I get it back and also how do I get the answers from other people questions. Thanks in advance.
Game crash
Hi please help me to get back my account.I was at level 217 and suddenly my game crashed and started from level 7 . Can you please help me to get it back please thanks
Where are my boosters????
So king care, just passed level 560, got my tickets, started lvl 561 and surprise surprise ALL MY BOOSTERS GONE!! I had 7 colour bombs 3 ticks 3 fish and 3 hammers! You owe me as I bought them with my own money!! Please fix this. Its just not good enough!!
bonjour, j'étais au niveau 792 et là je me retrouve au 262 ???? merci de remédier à ce problème
Bonjour depuis plusieurs jours j'étais au niveau 792 et là je me retrouve au niveau 262 , comment cela se fait il ? merci de régler ce problème ( candy crush soda saga)
boosters not transferring between android phone and computer
This just started happening. Since the levels available are not even the same I spent $2 to earn extra boosters on my phone. With no way to use them on there since the levels do not go up high enough