Combined levels dont allow the coconut wheel.
Why don't combined levels allow u to use the coconut wheel? Level 1685 is a jelly/ingredients level. I should be able to use the wheel, but I cannot.
lost my progress on Candy Crush even though synced with facebook
deleted the app by mistake, when i downloaded and connected back to FB it didn't return me to my level - 1300 and something, it kicked me back to level 1, even tho it said i already authorized Facebook when i connected and it connected successfully. Just seeing a bunch of empty icons on all the levels also :(how can i get…
Wow 1710 passed!
Got the same board with the 2 bombs and instead of waiting for a good play I just bombed anything! It worked, this time! Whew, now to finally move on!!! Happy Days!
Candy Crush Saga level 289 - owl level
This is the level where you have to get 100 orange and 100 purple as well as a sprinkle donut. I have been stuck on this level for over a year and cannot get past it. I have used boosters and everything that I can but I cannot get 100 of each of those colors. Any tips or tricks because I am VERY frustrated??!! TIA
No prize awarded
I beat the 3 level with one life challenge and got no prize, how can I get help?
level 1726
HI! I tried several times and can not finish all this stage,Is there a problem now? or there is a way through this step? Thanks !
In-App purchase locks up
I play on an iPad. I completed level 665 and made the in-app purchase for the next episode like I've done 664 times before but it locks up. If I close the window and try again I get a message that says the purchase has already been made and will be restored for free. The circle just keeps spinning and the X is grayed out…
I completed level 1026 on iPad, but it will not let me continue to 1027. Why?
i completed level 1026 on iPad but it will not let me continue to 1027, even though I can see myself hovering over that level. Why can't I continue?
Waiting for level 381.
Waiting for level 381. Finished 380 three days ago and still says have to wait 69 hours, anyone else have this problem?
I can't get one of my chests to open
http://prntscr.com/b6yenp I can't get the chest open so I can't continue to the next game. What's going on?