level 1317
CC, I have to apologize for my comment about level 1317. I should have played it first since I found out it is not quite the same as the one that was impossible. You made it so that it can be done since you let more boosters fall this time. I have not won this level yet; but I can see that it can be done. I might have to…
candy crush saga not loading on facebook
Candy Crush Saga Will Not Load And Work Properly Since Yesterday.....Please Help.....Candy Crush Soda Works
Why has level 1810 not been fixed?
I have read the comments from players regarding level 1810 and agree with them wholeheartedly. I also am an older player- not quite retired yet- with a very stressful job and use candy crush to relax. Timed levels are horrible for me. And this level is impossible. It must be bad if I have made through the other 1809 levels…
Level 252 froze after completion
On level 252 I completed it with a score of 39,030,053 but upon completion the game just froze in in load screen. Once it finally came back, the game didn't register my score or completion of level. Anyway other then redoing it can I get my score back?
How do I get the bars I purchased OR get the game to restore them since it says it will do it?
I have tried several times in the past weeks to purchase 10 bars or 50 bars. When I try to purchase either, I get the message saying this purchase has already been made and that the game will restore them for free. At that point, the game FREEZES as the game "appears" to be trying to restore the purchase. I have waited for…
Keep getting a facebook not responding and refresh and continues to keep doing this.
The last 2 weeks every time I go to play the game on my computer it loads and then says Facebook not responding and I click recover page and I continue to get this error ever time. I have cleaned cookies clear my history. What can I do to be able to play my game again??
cant connect from app
Android version 4.2.2.Through the application of candy crush and sodaI can not do log in.When I click on "Connect"The app gets stuck.what can we do? Facebook app updated. And the application of candy crush and soda . This bug makes it impossible for me to accept gifts from friends mobile app
new levels
just finish level 2015 in candy crush... when will u have new levels?im using my laptop...too play..
How to pass level 1969 in candy crush saga.
How do I pass level 1969 in candy crush saga? If I crush one chocolate three chocolates takes it's place.
Facebook deletion confusion....
I am on level 755 and connected to Facebook. Now i have to delete my account. Is there any possibility can I delete my account and connect it to other account with out losing my all levels of 755??? Need help!!!!