Exchange boosters
Make so all friends in the game could exchange booster.
Search levels
I think one should be able to search levels, not scrolling down all the time. I personally have a favorite level, I’m donw with the game so I like to go play my favorite level, but it gets so tedious scrolling down.
New name for character
My idea for a new name would be MIFFY!!!!
Good news
Remember that the intellectual property rights in all materials on our site or available from it are owned by King.com Ltd or related entities, including your ideas and suggestions.
Difficulty consistency
In some episodes, the difficulty ramps up from 0 to 100 very quickly. Players could breeze through a level then get stumped by a short chain of arduous, not to mention tedious, levels. My idea is for uniform consistency. If the episode has a lot of easy levels, there shouldn't be a hard one sticking out. This isn't…
Expand the map loops
On mobile 10 episodes loop over and over. It's always Mr Yeti, Bubblegum Troll, Misty, Lemonade Lake dragon, rinse and repeat... How about some variety? There are so many characters to choose from. Two examples: Expand the amount of maps to 15-20 and add new characters if you can't reintroduce the old map. Either would be…
Asking Lives
If our lives get ove are asking with friends. We have more friends in our Facebook and few play recently . In Levels this week page if a option exists to ask lives with recently played friends will be usefull for all. Kindly consider this idea .
Timer for chocolate box
Put the timer for chocolate box on the starting page. It's frustrating and a waste of time to make the selection only to be told at the end that there is a timer. And it's difficult to follow when the timer is ok again.
Booster Wheel
Will be good to spin the booster wheel every 1 h or at list every 6 h . And also will be good to include on the booster wheel gold bars and extra moves. Thank you I hope you count for the idea in the future. 🙂
New and improved candy cane curls
I think that it would be a good idea for the candy cane curls to be blue and white because it would add a little bit more colour to the game and it would look nicer. I also think that it would be better if each " body " of the candy cane curls only required you to clear one section of it and then the whole thing would…