make money
more you finish the levels then more chnaces to get money too.. because of that we will get new users and will be more interesting
Store the lives from leveling up
When leveling up we receive 5 free lives, if you have 5 lives they are lost. Why don't they get stored with lives we receive from friends instead?
Free lives
only deduct the time while playing with the unlimited hours. and when you get given five free lives while already having full lives it’s should be added to lives that you already have...
Old is gold
Earlier game allowed us to restart without losing life to get well placed boosters. Earlier by playing initial levels we got boosters but now it allows boosyers for new levels only. Bring back both of the above features.
Life Time
Lower the life time from 30 minutes to 5-10minutes.
Restart Games Without Losing A Life
Bring back the feature of restarting a level without losing a life. Everyone makes mistakes and that's true of the games too. I enjoyed the game so much more when you were able to leave a level and come back without losing a life. Now its almost as if you have to purchase a life to rejoin the level.
Additional 5 lives for events and special stages
Right now we have 2 events/ special levels we can play. It would be nice if we got extra lives to try them out. I use all my lives trying to beat the level I am stuck on. I think more people would participate in the event if it had it's own set of lives. Thank you for all for taking the time to listen to made suggestion.…
The ability to Save Lives on Candy Crush Saga
Hi Everyone I was wondering if you could please make it to where you Level Up in the game (example 32-33) and you get 5 free lives if you can save them for when you truly need them (example when you get stuck on a level and run out you will have lives saved up and can use them instead of having to wait 30 minutes or ask…
Bank for lives
Was awarded 5 lives but my lives were full(5), so missed out on that award. Seems maybe a bank for lives might mitigate this. I get you want players to drop $$, but little tweaks to game go along way.
Level filter and bring back level colors!
It would be cool to filter out levels (ex. difficulty,objectives, etc). I see this as a good way to practice on certain kinds of levels you struggle with, like for me I struggle on the jelly levels and I find it a more efficient way of practicing certain levels because due to this update removing the colors of level…