Fantastic Five should allow players to change team members.
I thought it was lame to switch me automatically to a new team when I had a good one. I now know what’s worse.., making me stay with a bad team! Totally unfair and just silly to assemble permanent teams that include people that don’t even sign in once in awhile. Now I have NO incentive to play. Realistically, it takes at…
Edit Fantastic Five Team Feature
hey dear community managers i have an idea that improve our game. we should add new feature to edit our fantastic five team. i am saying about members. team owner has also one feature that is we can remove any member and add other member if we have any problem with any member(i mean that members who is not contributing in…
When did I start playing?
Could you include a feature where you can see when you passed a level. Specially level 1 would be interesting to know. In order to know how long I have been playing Candy Crush
Jelly Fish in Candy Crush
So Everyone Who plays Candy Crush knows That You can't merge 2 jelly fish, But if you know Candy Crush Soda, There You can merge 2 jelly fish. 🍭 So, I Think that King Could make an update where You Will be able to merge 2 jelly fish in Candy Crush too. 🍡 It's just an idea That I think it Will make Candy Crush better :)
Are you sure button
When you finish a level and failed there is the possibility to continue by using gold bars. It happens quite often that i press the wrong button and hit continue instead of stop, again 10gold bars gone for nothing. It would be really nice if it was possible to creatie some kind of "Are you sure" or a "continue" button.
Title says it all. People play games to win. Without leader boards how do you track your progress against other players to know if you are winning or not. A game Without leader board is no longer a game, it becomes just something to fiddle with with no reward.
Thank you
My idea is we should be able to send a thank you to a player who has sent us a life this will let the person who sent the life know you got it. Also challenge a friend should be unlimited so we can choose who we want to challenge and give them one of our own boosters or gold bar and lastly famous 5 should let us invite…
Unlimited Lives
to be able to play without having to wait a specific amount of time; to be able to play as long as we'd like
Request to friends for moves
Please Add a Option, Request to friends for moves when finished my moves
We need a way to get more moves