The ability to Save Lives on Candy Crush Saga
Hi Everyone I was wondering if you could please make it to where you Level Up in the game (example 32-33) and you get 5 free lives if you can save them for when you truly need them (example when you get stuck on a level and run out you will have lives saved up and can use them instead of having to wait 30 minutes or ask…
Add a dialog box to ask “are you sure” when buying lives
Hi! I recently was playing and failed a level on my last life. I didn’t know it was my last life so I was clicking through to retry but instead I accidentally bought 6 hours of unlimited lives for 70 gold bricks. I was about to go to sleep for the night so I couldn’t even use a portion of it. It’s a little disappointing to…
Bank for lives
Was awarded 5 lives but my lives were full(5), so missed out on that award. Seems maybe a bank for lives might mitigate this. I get you want players to drop $$, but little tweaks to game go along way.
Level filter and bring back level colors!
It would be cool to filter out levels (ex. difficulty,objectives, etc). I see this as a good way to practice on certain kinds of levels you struggle with, like for me I struggle on the jelly levels and I find it a more efficient way of practicing certain levels because due to this update removing the colors of level…
Boosters streak
Plz make it possible to get boosters through previous levels bcz after loosing one level these 5 streaks about to loose.i want some changes with this!
Continuously rcv gold bar
Hi, I enjoy playing candy crash saga for long time. I want to receive 2 gold bar after completing a level. By receiving continuously gold bar I can purchase different power which I needed most. Also I can get an opportunity frequently to compete the level after loosening all moves. So that I can involve myself with the…
Jump to level
It takes forever to scroll down to the beginning levels if you want to play a favourite this should be faster
We should have the ability to save our boosters on facebook
Giving lives
Make it possible to search friends onlevels lower than you to give them free lives rather than having to scroll down in some cases several thousand levels.
+5 lives bonus
Make it possible to use the +5 lives bonus if you win it when your lives are full. I have won it it a few times, but not enjoyed it as it was when my lives were full, so a bit of a downer when it just disappears. Thanks