Thanks for the update @spy! I wonder if it's not the phone and maybe it's a Facebook glitch. Are you clearing the history daily? I wonder if this might still be a problem if you logged out of Facebook. But if you do that, then you won't have Facebook friends to send you lives. How about log out of Facebook and try logging in with the Kingdom. Try this - create a Kingdom account from this link:
I haven't played the game through Facebook in months because of all the lives glitches. I only play through the Kingdom. I just opened the game on my iPhone. You can request lives by clicking on the heart. I just did that but when it asks to connect to Facebook I Ignored it. Also you have the envelope in there just like with Facebook so you can click on that to see how sent you lives. They will be from random players in the Kingdom since you can't request them to be your friends. See if that works for you.
Hi @Elsa Thanks for caring but the fun thing was that I was racing with some FB friends and that was the fun of it and getting or sending lives to those actual friends... Anyway I guess that's it the community can't help but again I do appreciate your support
@spy, I gave you another option to play the game through King but you said that you preferred to stay with Facebook and play with your friends. Facebook always seems to have glitches on top of the Blackberry not being supported to the game. Why aren't you trying to play with King?
@Elsa yes you did propose this alternative but there has been no solution to my problem as such that's what I meant. @Cornevh I have a BlackBerry Motion and it is the same issue. I guess only a BlackBerry specialist could answer but went to some dedicated forum and could not get the answer either
Thanks for bringing this issue up @spy and @Elsa your attempts to help appreciated.
This is a problem on the BlackBerry KeyTwo as well. Im up to 119 lives that I cannot send to my friends on Facebook.
Whilst candy crush on Kingdom is fun for some, the connection Facebook friends is what makes candy crush work for me, and my not being able to send lives to friends purely because I can't see the send button is beyond me, especially that BlackBerry is android based now.
Can anyone bring a lasting solution to this please?